I think this is the slashiest reality show I've ever seen. I approve. The boys should be in eyeliner every week!
This, this! It's not just hoyay, it's hoHELLyay! And the Perry/Casey photo shoot was insanely hot (and I'm not even really a Casey fan b/c most of the time I think he looks like he could use a good shower). And they were so cute on the runway with the finishing each other's sentences and the salty goodness. That was some quality show last night.
I think Ronnie is going to get his heart broken a little bit. Poor baby.
It's not just hoyay, it's hoHELLyay!
Oh god yes. And the runway bit was classic. I am officially a Perry Fangirl.
And they were so cute on the runway with the finishing each other's sentences and the salty goodness.
I loved their riffing on "the awkward conversation" both before and after the shoot: "So, did you watch the game yesterday?"
So cute and awesome!
I realized that Jay reminds me of a guy I went to high school with, who was definitely not considered attractive, so that explains why I've thought he was so inexplicable on this show from the start.
PR confusion: There's no episode this week, so if they eliminate one person on Feb 6, that would leave them with 5 people in the running when they film the finale at Bryant Park on Feb 8. Hmmm. [link]
Huh. That is weird.
PR: I loved Sweet P's dress. She was the only one who did anything interesting with the material colors. And why did everyone leave all the white up on the line? Anyway, I guess it doesn't help for Ricky to win, he cries anyway! Hee. I liked the concept of Christian's look, but not the execution. Although he was apparently the only one who gave much thought to the existing work and tried to expand on that.
Needed to be said again. Ben totally is a slut, isn't he? Hot, and total slut. His poor wife on the phone, all, "...I know." It must be so weird for it to be happening livetime. There's almost no way for there not to be meta on the phone calls.
Ronnie is completely my favorite. He's adorable! And smitten. Poor boy. No way that's going to end well.
Perry & Casey! Hee! Those pictures were blazing. I love that they were so game.
Should have been Frankie instead of Holly in the bottom three, but other than that, they were right. It's tough for Holly because last episode they cut her hair and she was already not feeling sexy. Then they paired her with Frankie, and while it was clearly her problem at the shoot, it couldn't have been the easiest person to work with.
Looking at the outfits again, it totally should have been between Rami, Sweet P, and Christian. Christian's maybe couldn't have been worn by many as is, but I'll bet with a few tweaks it wouldn't be that out of the question. Not for me, maybe, but for people who normally could wear skinny jeans. I'm not a huge Rami fan, really, but the more I look at it the more I like it. Ricky's was kind of a pale, stripped down imitation of that. What the hell were they thinking?
I'm just reading TWOP's recap of the TAR finale, and Miss Alli points out something I totally missed:
we switch over to Nick and Don's cab, where Nick is saying he thinks they have a good cab driver. And their driver says, "You got numbah-one taxi-drivah." Dude. He watches the race, he knows it's the race, and he's making a joke about the race. Because he -- not Nick or Don, but Anonymous Cab Driver -- got that from Ian's weirdly obsessive repetitions of "numbah-one taxi drivah" back in Vietnam, which I totally didn't notice in the bar at all, but which is obvious on playback. That is a really weirdly meta moment. Can you imagine being that cab driver and being like, "Holy shit! I'm picking up Amazing Race contestants! Quick, what's a taxi-driver joke? ...Wait, that one's kind of racist and makes no sense here anyway. Eh, what the hell. I'm on television!"
But they aren't going to show the finale live. They filmed the non-finale episodes at least 2 months ago - and will no doubt get down to 3 or 4 by that time.
(Top Chef starts March 12 - leaving me to believe that PR runs through February at least.)
I have, somehow, become addicted to America's Test Kitchen. They're so focused on the minutae of specific dishes. Cooking geeks!