I hope that situation was compressed by the editors, so it wasn't actually that abrupt.
Non-Fiction TV: I Reject Your Reality and Substitute My Own
This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]
If you're going to be the nice/"ethical" team, sometimes you're going to lose an advantage.
They are such giant hypocrites.
And I'm not sure it was Killer Fatigue so much as belittlement fatigue. Every time Nicole started to have trouble she seemed to just shut down and be focused mostly on how nasty Travis was going to be. Ugly. (Does not surprise me that she was his student before they got married.)
And he kept being nastier than I would have thought, right up until the very end. Ugh, that guy.
I hope that situation was compressed by the editors, so it wasn't actually that abrupt.
Well, IIRC, she said it before they got on the plane for the first flight, and that was after they landed in Toyko, so time had passed, but no gameplay.
The Voice: Oh, that's not the way you sing "Angel."
Oh, and what did people think about the ad for next TAR in February being "All Stars"? I've only watched the last three or so seasons, so only have a few favorites, but anyone you're hoping will come back? Hoping WON"T?
Okay, I missed Ben Folds. I love him, he cracks me up.
Sean also makes me laugh.
Jewel is going to be a good judge. Funny, smart, solid commentary.
Vocal Rush -- Those chillun SANG! Great, soulful. Lead singer swallowed the lyrics a little in a few places, but awesome.
Home Free -- Scarf boy needs to rein it in. He reminds me of every sensitive actor/singer I knew in college who slept his way through his little fans. @@. Song was great, loved the bass.
Princeton Footnotes -- Loved the whimsy of doing Taylor Swift. The lead is trying to be this season's Dartmouth guy. It was kinda eh.
Calle Sol -- nice change. Need not to let the movement detract from the singing. A few places, they were busy dancing and were away from the mic or not as strong.
Street Corner Renaissance -- Loved this arrangement! Old school!!!!!!
Ten -- Too much glory noting.
Element -- Nice. Nothing particularly great about it, but nice.
VoicePlay -- Male lead didn't have enough power, felt uneven next to the female lead. Liked the "remix" .
Filharmonic - Love their energy/spirit. And you know I love the 90s. And you know I love big guy who dances.
AcoUstiKats -- Started behind the 8 ball for me, I hate this song. The falsetto sounds like a guy trying to sing like a woman. They were fun, though.
I agree with the eliminated group. The other group did more with the song, did some different styles.
Vocal Rush--they are adorable AND good. I agree with vortex that the lead needed to enunciate a bit on a few of the beats, just to give it a bit more kick. But that was still awesome.
Home Free--WTF is with the cornfields thing? Minneapolis is not a cornfield. I like country music, but...yes, scarf dude is totally that guy from college who slept with all the a capella groupies. Dang. I feel like they just seem...thin? I mean, they're five guys, and maybe it's just in comparison to Vocal Rush before them, but ...meh. I feel like they don't all go together, somehow? Maybe it's their song choice (I like that song, but I don't feel like the arrangement was the best, cute as some of the bits were). I just...not love. I really like parts of them, but....not the whole them.
Princeton Footnotes--Just based on the intro--they are such a stereotype. Of nerdy old-school a capella group that has been singing the same songs since 1959? I can't tell in this intro--are NONE of them cute, or do the jackets and orange ties just magically fuglify people? OK, their performance was better than their intro.
Calle Sol-I feel like they needed to move around a little bit less and focus a bit more. But generally fun.
Street Corner Renaissance--very cool choice of song. I think I'd like one of their guys to sing a little lower, give it a little less tenor (or less falsetto?). But yeah.
....and on that note, I'm hitting record, adding a season pass, and telling myself I need to go to bed.
(OK, I totally didn't go to bed, and loved Filharmonic. They were all adorable)
I love Filharmonic, Street Corner Renaissance, and Vocal Rush.
but...yes, scarf dude is totally that guy from college who slept with all the a capella groupies.
it also doesn't help that he looks like Jesse from Vocal Adrenaline of Glee.