Vocal Rush--they are adorable AND good. I agree with vortex that the lead needed to enunciate a bit on a few of the beats, just to give it a bit more kick. But that was still awesome.
Home Free--WTF is with the cornfields thing? Minneapolis is not a cornfield. I like country music, but...yes, scarf dude is totally that guy from college who slept with all the a capella groupies. Dang. I feel like they just seem...thin? I mean, they're five guys, and maybe it's just in comparison to Vocal Rush before them, but ...meh. I feel like they don't all go together, somehow? Maybe it's their song choice (I like that song, but I don't feel like the arrangement was the best, cute as some of the bits were). I just...not love. I really like parts of them, but....not the whole them.
Princeton Footnotes--Just based on the intro--they are such a stereotype. Of nerdy old-school a capella group that has been singing the same songs since 1959? I can't tell in this intro--are NONE of them cute, or do the jackets and orange ties just magically fuglify people? OK, their performance was better than their intro.
Calle Sol-I feel like they needed to move around a little bit less and focus a bit more. But generally fun.
Street Corner Renaissance--very cool choice of song. I think I'd like one of their guys to sing a little lower, give it a little less tenor (or less falsetto?). But yeah.
....and on that note, I'm hitting record, adding a season pass, and telling myself I need to go to bed.