Non-Fiction TV: I Reject Your Reality and Substitute My Own
This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]
They do contemporary on DWtS? That's weird. I haven't watched that one in years, sounds like it has changed even more than I thought - I liked it when it was brand new and super cheesy but there was a certain amount of basic ballroom going on, at least.
Top Chef - I wonder if they booted Sang last week just so he could come back as the judge this week. I love how much Jennifer curses. OTOH, almost every comment Bryan makes makes annoys me, which I think is weird because I think he is probably objectively very likable, but he just rubs me the wrong way somehow.
I am so pleased that they showed the sous chef thing afterwards - I've been totally unable to get previous challenges to play on my laptop. I'm still of two minds on the sous chefs in general, especially with the winning immunity this week, although that it was a dish chosen by the Master made it make more sense to me. Anyway, it's interesting how very different the judging of the sous chefs seems to be. Speaking of judges, the comments about the food this week seemed particularly uninformative, I got no picture of what anything actually tasted like. Which I kind of get from the standpoint of describing amazing food is hard, but food critics ought to be better at it. I can't taste that calamari bolognese to understand why it is relatable, you know?
Project Runway: I'm just a little ways into it but I wanted to comment that the fans are adorable! And I guess somebody always has to make the "I've never designed for real women" comment, and this time it's Ken, and, yeah, it bugs me both for the this-is-not-who-I-design-for angle and the models-are-not-real-women angle BUT my primary reaction this time was - what, Ken never made his mother a dress? Seriously? Cause she seems plenty real.
The superfans were awesome!
Bad news BB fans. Russell Hantz will be joining BB15.
I thought this season's obligatory "Real women, eek!" comment was less offensive than in the past, though of course editing has a lot to do with that. But in general I prefer the "Crap, I have no experience with non-models, I hope I do a good job" type of comment than the "Ugh, women bigger than a size 4 are IMPOSSIBLE TO DRESS, why are they making us do this."
Somehow I completely missed that Top Chef was back!! Crap!
Wait, what? The new regular Top Chef? I missed it!
The superfans were awesome!
They really were! The interaction between the judges and the fans when they did the close-ups was very cool.
I think the judges got it right this week. The top looks are fantastic, the safe looks are right in the middle, and the bottom looks are the most problematic. I don't know that I would have liked Alexander's suit even if he had finished it. Though Heidi was right, the silhouette was very nice. Alexandria (I wish their names were less similar, somehow) seems very into following whatever direction she's given, from the client or in the challenge specifications, sometimes that messes her up. I don't even know what Ken was thinking, picking a fabric he hated. It's nice that he left well after all that drama.
I was hoping I could bail on the upcoming All Stars but the line up of designers that are coming back is pretty compelling!
I was talking about Masters, I don't think the regular Top Chef is back yet. Next Wednesday, I think? I only watch Masters,I am peculiar like that.
I was actually thinking the same thing, Jess, which might be why I slid sideways into that but surely he's made clothes for his mother feeling. Not offended, more disbelieving, really. Especially with him being self-taught. OTOH, the fit on his dress was pretty bad and we was not good at managing his client's wishes, so maybe that was a totally honest disclaimer.
The Ken situation really bugged me, for a lot of reasons, and I don't usually disagree with Tim, but unless I wasn't paying enough attention, I didn't think there was any reason for him to say Alexander's behavior was inexcusable. He was being lighthearted, not rude. Ken knew they were moving in -- choosing to set up the ironing board *right in front of the door* seemed pretty pointed to begin with.
I am glad he's gone, though. I had enough of him about a month ago.
I was hoping I could bail on the upcoming All Stars but the line up of designers that are coming back is pretty compelling!
Oh, really? Where'd you see it? I didn't even know they were doing All Stars again.
There was an ad, I guess Alyssa Milano is hosting? Anyway, taht made me google to see who the designers are [link]
That whole thing was ridiculous. Kind of a waste of screen time, if you ask me.
Wow, they have winners competing! That should be interesting. I'm going to miss Joanna Coles, though.