This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]
I'm peeved at the Survivor producers for not mixing up the tribes - it would have been dead easy to put together two tribes mixed old/new but still splitting up all the loved ones.
That said, I do like the idea of loved ones competing against each other. Will they still do the loved-one visit challenge, I wonder?
It does make an interesting dynamic, and I think Brad got it from the start -- how will you feel when it's your loved one in the other camp, soaking wet and hungry?
That said, it's a little surprising that none of them realized there would be a twist. I just completely unconsciously repeated your "That said," Jessica. I'm probably one of those people who starts talking with a Southern accent if I'm in the South.
It does make an interesting dynamic, and I think Brad got it from the start -- how will you feel when it's your loved one in the other camp, soaking wet and hungry?
But they could have gotten the same dynamic out of two tribes that were each half returning players and half loved ones. (Draw for team captains from the returning players. Have them do a schoolyard pick with rules that if you are a returning player, you must pick a loved one but not yours, and vice versa. BOOM, two teams of roughly equal experience.)
Oh,I agree. This way it's weighted all wrong from the start. Although you could argue Fans vs. Favorites was done the same way.
I am tired of Rupert. So very tired. I would like to put him in a time out box with Boston Rob and Amber and anyone with the last name Hantz and keep them all far, far away from Survivor in perpetuity. Aside from the unwelcome site of him once again on the show, I thought the first episode was fairly enjoyable. I'm gonna root for Colton's BF. He seems sweet and adorable.
I am also very tired of Rupert, and I hope Candace kicks his butt off the island in the first duel.
On Top Chef, it makes me crazy how the boys write off Jennifer, but I enjoy how much stuff she's won.
I can't with Survivor this year. Colton makes my skin crawl. Rupert is tiresome, but Colton? No. I don't need that in my life. I'm out this season.
Supermarket Superstar: The crab pie should go to Whole Foods, no?