NFNS: Yay!!!
Non-Fiction TV: I Reject Your Reality and Substitute My Own
This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]
NFNS: Haven't seen it now cannot wait to watch the 11 repeat !!!
BB: Amber's teared up twice already, and I'm not even half way through.
Only about halfway through FNS, but Jag and Paul are so dating.
Feasting on Asphalt 2 starts August 4th!
NFNS: HA! Along the lines of what Jesse said, the judges can bite me! And to think, the winner almost didn't make it to the finals because you're jackholes.
ETA: Okay, perhaps that was a bit harsher than what Jesse said.
EATA: Also, did you guys know there was another component to the whole JAG debacle? (I'm not sure if this was included in the original story and I missed it or if it's just come to light.)
Apparently, when the Army Times contacted him about his misrepresentations, he offered to bribe them with information. He told them that he'd made it to the finals (this was before that episode aired) and, if they'd keep the damaging information to themselves, he'd also reveal the name of the other finalist.
I had NOT heard that! He's so shady.
I was thinking that Amy could be the new Sarah Moulton. Although she probably wouldn't be down for the whole live-show-every-day-at-dinner-time thing.
Jag is so gay, holding hands with Paul all show! (Was it here that people were speculating about his exit from the Marines?)
Yes. I know that in the episode where Paul and JAG were working together, and they made their deep-fried meatloaf, there was a comment Paul made in his interview about JAG being his "little Marine buddy," that set off a huge light bulb over my head. After that, every little thing seemed to confirm it, from the "things about his past he didn't want to talk about," to how well he got along with Rachel Ray and how much better he performed in front of a live audience.
It's also clear it's something he's not accepted about himself yet, though maybe his holding hands with Paul means he's starting to get over that.
how well he got along with Rachel Ray and how much better he performed in front of a live audience.
...I'm not even sure what you mean by that. The Gays perform well in front of audiences?