well as the fact that it really wasn't a very good education once he got beyond the early-years skills stuff
Yeah I can see how that could happen. My wife has done an excellent job so far as indicated by objective metrics with testing administered through a third party. But I sense progress slowing down due to the tension between her and our daughter over schoolwork. The concept is pretty good though, one on one attention, tailoring each subject to ability, things you can't do in a school setting.
I told them it sounds like I'm a fan of cults, like I have a shrine to Jim Jones in my apartment.
You should serve Kool-Aid at your book release party.
I told them it sounds like I'm a fan of cults, like I have a shrine to Jim Jones in my apartment.
There was a punk band called The Cult. Maybe it means you're a fan of them.
I told them it sounds like I'm a fan of cults.
I can sort of understand what they are trying to get at, but fandoms don't just form about cult tv or movies. Heck the NFL can be considered to have a fandom, but nobody would call it a cult sport.
I have to get over this shit and be fucking grateful.
I think it's casting a smaller net, Tim thinks it's going to sell a lot of books.
I find it insulting, and cant figure out why they want to make me sound like a n00b.
cant figure out why they want to make me sound like a n00b.
Because they're not thinking about marketing to fandom. They're thinking about marketing to the larger world.
I told them it sounds like I'm a fan of cults.
Yeah...it's just a weird word to have on the cover. I don't understand why the marketing people seem so allergic to the word "online." It's a perfectly good buzzword!
The publisher is printing up mousepads with the cover for giveaways.
We didn't have DARE at my school, that I remember. I feel like those druggie time-lapse photo series would be the best anti-drug message for anyone. That and meth-mouth.