Yikes, vw. Hope everything works out ok.
I was a bit of a bonehead about the whole thing.
I passed by the tv at some point and saw that a bridge in Mississippi had collapsed. I hand waved it cause obviously, bridges collapsing in Mississippi /= important information to me(Bad Aimee.).
A little while later, I went upstairs and my dad was streaming the CNN coverage on the upstairs computer. He says, "My god. Can you believe this?"
"What? The Bridge in Mississippi?"
"No - the bridge OVER the Mississippi. In Minneapolis."
"What? Oh my god! Juliana lived in Minneapolis! She has friends and family there! I hope they're ok! I should call and make sure everyone is ok. Holy crap, oh my gawds!"
My dad just looks at me, as though I was the one who made the bridge fall.
"Well, in case you happened to be wondering, your brother is fine and so is Ashley."
I was like, "Huh? Of course Nick's fine. Why wouldn't he be fine? He lives in Kala .... "
t lightbulb
I forgot my brother lived in Minneapolis.
I had family cross it 30 minutes before the collapse on their way to the airport.
YIKES! I hope your family member's friend is okay. jeez.
I just ordered a yoga DVD called Yoga for Inflexible People, because lo, I am extremely inflexible. I mean, REALLY.
I've been amazed at how much more flexible I've gotten after doing yoga regularly for a couple of years. My hips and my shoulders may never be flexible enough to do some poses but the improvement has been drastic.
Eek! Hope all turns out well, vw.
I've been tempted by the cayenne lemonade liquid fast I've heard about--possibly just because I like both major ingredients.
My SIL does this regularly. Maple syrup, lemon, cayenne. Yummy. She's done it more than a month. I never made it past 7 days.
~ma for all the loved ones of people near the fallen bridge.
Yikes. It is already a struggle for me to drive over bridges. Driving up here this year I was at the wheel going over the Delaware Memorial Bridge in the pouring rain at 2am or something with zilch visibility hugging the back end of a truck so I wouldn't have to look anywhere else. The rest of the family fast asleep. Talk about white knucles. Wah. Hate bridges, can't watch news.
She's done it more than a month.
Okay, I'm sorry, but that can't be healthy! You need actual nutrition!!!
Driving up here this year I was at the wheel going over the Delaware Memorial Bridge in the pouring rain at 2am or something with zilch visibility hugging the back end of a truck so I wouldn't have to look anywhere else.
That's the bridge I grew up in the shadow of! It doesn't scare me but the Bay Bridge, which seems to float above the water, freaks my shit out. I totally white knuckle it over that one.
I haven't gone over the Bay Bridge in years. The bridge parts don't bother me too much, except the high parts, and the tunnels, and I think I'll not go over that one for a while again.
Now the next time I drive over the Bay Bridge I'm gonna be all freaked out, man.
Sparky, yay for good yoga class!
I've never had a problem with the Bay Bridge (Route 50 near Annapolis?). Now, the bridge/tunnel combination on I-64 in Hampton Roads makes me nervous.
Well, interview went okay. Again they did not leap to their feet and pronounce me their King, but I thought it went well.
But they did have the guy ahead of me in for longer.
*sigh* We'll just have to see what happens.
But they did have the guy ahead of me in for longer.
I bet he just talked too much and they were relieved when you didn't go on and on and on and on.
Sparky, yay for good yoga class!
One of the things that has surprised me is how unfriendly-seeming the yoga teachers are and how few alternative-prep poses they offer for those of us that can't always get into the full pose. Also, I don't understand how people learn anything in some classes I went to -- the teacher just stands there and calls out a pose but never gives any hint as to how to enter it, proper positioning, etc., in case anyone is having trouble.
Oops, soapbox!