Sheesh, DJ, sounds like the ex continues to be craxy like a craxy thing.
So I need help. I've unpacked the last of the fourteen boxes of books and whatnot that I'd shipped from CT during the last trip (all kinds of odds and ends from the ex's house that he didn't want), and now the armchair is filled with piles of coats, bridesmaid dresses, scarves, hats, and cheesy plastic leis; the back of the couch is covered in placemats and cloth napkins; the floor is covered with styrofoam fluff; the chairs have piles of old albums and pictures; the kitchen counters are covered with cookbooks; and the bookshelves are overflowing with books.
In order to deal with this, I need to completely empty out the pantry and all of the built-in cabinets in order to rearrange, and I don't have the motivation, energy, or sanity to do anything. So instead I'm sitting forlornly on the couch and sniffling from the dust. Help?
Criminy. Much as I hope Daisy's friend doesn't get saddled with too much debt or lose too much in the way of assets it sounds like it would be worth a lot of money for her to be free of that guy. What a piece of work.
Yeah, reminds me of a good joke:
Why are divorces so expensive?
Because they're worth it.
Are you keeping all of it or doing some weeding? Maybe if you start out weeding, cleaning out cabinets will be easier, plus you'll know how much space you actually need.
ION: I think the heavens are about to open.
Sweetheart, why don't you make a neatish pile for the moment. We need to get the additional bookcase for the bedroom when I get back, as well as the additional ones that we talked about for DVD's in the living room. That will help with the book issue. The closets in the mudroom need to be tackled, but I think that's a project that both of us are going to need to do. We've talked about bins there and all kinds of things. Don't let it overwhelm you.
Here Kristin, this should drive you away from the internets:
I've noticed that Carrot Top and Bret Michaels are really starting to resemble each other. (It's not the shot I wanted of Bret, but if you watch any clips of Rock Of Love, you'll see what I mean.)
Also, hugs and congrats on your anniversary.
I've done the weeding already; this is the stuff I couldn't bear to throw out or give away. I'm sure there's stuff in the cabinets and the pantry that needs to be tossed, but it's just a massive project. I need one of those organizational home improvement show to come take pity on me. Or I need my mom. She's better than one of those shows.
My Mom loves organizing things. Want to borrow her?
There's definitely stuff in the pantry that needs to be tossed. I've also got the garage on the list for a big weeding in the next two weeks since I've got to get it organized and ready for the influx of new equipment due to Halloween Horror Nights.
I don't think we actually need another big bookshelf; I gave away enough books before I packed them that I think some creative reorganization should do the trick. We do need those other DVD shelves, but we knew that already.
You're right. I can pile up the rest for now. I'm just feeling overwhelmed by the clutter. Clutter is bad for me. But I'll wait until you're home. It does make more sense to do it together.