Cashmere, Bobby was in speech therapy in school for years. They were awesome. He didn't speak for the longest time. Now we remember fondly the quiet days.
Heh. I'm sure I'll be in the same boat soon enough. He's starting to make little bits of verbal progress and I think once I get him into a preschool he'll make some more time.
Poor Emmett!
DH had an issue as a freshman in college. He had an ingrown hair on one of his testicles and it got so bad he had to have his mother drive him to the ER in the middle of the night to have the thing lanced. He was mortally embarrassed having to tell his mother the nature of the problem. Junk issues suck.
Any additional word on Emmett?
Especially considering they are frozen.
I mean, not when you eat them, but you know...
And again, my child surprised me by saying "egg roll" when I took them out of the package yesterday (Maria can vouch for this). How does he know this stuff?
JZ has collected Emmett. He's sad and droopy and hurty.
We've got to get him to a doctor today or tomorrow. He probably needs a scan down there.
And again, my child surprised me by saying "egg roll" when I took them out of the package yesterday (Maria can vouch for this). How does he know this stuff?
Smart little sponge. And he's brilliant, that's how.
Poor Emmett!
How is it only 1:00 p.m.? It feels like bedtime. OH! Maybe it's naptime!
oh, poor Emmett - I hope everything's OK and he stops feeling miserable.
Poor Emmett! gah.
I'm very intrigued by the eggrolls. I love the TJ's..most everything...but especially the mini-tacos. Same kind of concept as the eggrolls! mmmm!
Bars are just where drinking happens and drinking can lead to Bad Life Choices.
hah. yes. I made one recently with a guy I just found out is 22. 22! Young enough to be my child (if I was a teen mom, but still 22!) Yikes.
Cash, I was going to tell you that my nephew did the speech therapy thing in pre-K and K and that he turned out fine...but then I remembered he works for a Republican senator, so maybe he's not a good example.
I'm sure Mal's bound for various developmental concerns also, since, despite knowing what egg rolls are he doesn't talk very much, and never appears to have his head in the game.