I don't know how I would survive without my backup moms and dads. I got my list and I know how to use it. For me it is usually that I need my kids housed when I travel. My friends send the kids to my house for the night to get alone time with their honeys. We are always picking up each others sprog. It takes a village.
Calming vibes sent to Kristin's cute belly.
tapping foot waiting to hear about ChiKat's great interview
Cashmere, Bobby was in speech therapy in school for years. They were awesome. He didn't speak for the longest time. Now we remember fondly the quiet days.
Poor Emmett. Do you think he is dehydrated? It is hard to keep active kids in enough water.
Poor Emmett. Do you think he is dehydrated? It is hard to keep active kids in enough water.
No it's the problem with his balls. His junk's in a funk.
Cramping in bad places!
Was it someone here who recommended Trader Joe's egg rolls? Man are they good.
Teaching is not the job to have when you're having stomach issues.
Bars are just where drinking happens and drinking can lead to Bad Life Choices. Or making out with my ex, which is just a Not Recommended Life Choice.
That's what the other boys are for. So you can make Bad Life Choices with whole new people.
BWAHAHAHA! Love Cass & DJ so very, very much. snorgles them
Poor Kristin! Poor Emmett! Much healing~ma for both.
I gave M a mani/pedi last night (just buffed the nails, no paint), and just before I started clipping his toenails, he said, "You know, this is the first time I've let anyone near my toes since I was a wee kid and my mom cut them way too close, causing me great pain. So this is kind of nerve-wracking for me." Which, on the one hand, yay trust. On the other hand, OMGWTF nervous-making with a sharp implement in my hands! But his nails look very nice now, and there was no blood.
Was it someone here who recommended Trader Joe's egg rolls? Man are they good.
Me! They're like the platonic ideal of eggrolls. Other eggrolls are like skid row in comparison.
Cashmere, Bobby was in speech therapy in school for years. They were awesome. He didn't speak for the longest time. Now we remember fondly the quiet days.
Heh. I'm sure I'll be in the same boat soon enough. He's starting to make little bits of verbal progress and I think once I get him into a preschool he'll make some more time.
Poor Emmett!
DH had an issue as a freshman in college. He had an ingrown hair on one of his testicles and it got so bad he had to have his mother drive him to the ER in the middle of the night to have the thing lanced. He was mortally embarrassed having to tell his mother the nature of the problem. Junk issues suck.
Any additional word on Emmett?