The problem with waiting is.. well.. as the guy, shouldn't I take the initiative. I know that sounds horribly old fashioned, but garrum it, it doesn't seem that many ladies do...and those that do have BF's.
I swear I have no idea what the deal is... all through my single life I would, every now and then, take the initiative and do the asking because it seemed so unfair that the guys have to do it all the damn time, and every single time I tried I got shot down. So I finally stopped. Though, really, that was still only about five or six times in three years. I have no idea if that's the usual, a half-dozen offered coffee dates before one actually succeeds in happening, but it got me (a) very sympathetic about guys and the expectation that of course they should always ask, and (b) completely discouraged about trying again myself.
So, in short, omnis, humans=confusing, and I have no idea what advice to offer. Except that if I were single and signed up for online dating and I'd gotten a nice conversation rolling, it wouldn't even occur to me to say no to a coffee date. Isn't decent conversation and coffee dates the point of the whole exhausting enterprise? Which just leads back to humans=confusing.