Hmm.. lets see. You mentioned it can have a max of 8 folks in the room. And 3 of the 8 are my "biggest worries". Ya! No worries mate! just shy of 1/2 the folks (assuming we fill the room). You crack me up!
Ah, but what you don't know is that the games seem to always be team games, 4 v 4, so you're likely to have 1 or 2 of those people on your side.
I haven't investigated setting up games but I don't think the games are built for free-for-alls.
ah. Ok. Better. Um.. I call dibs on Pete's team! (or do we do it like gym class?)
I have no frikkin' clue. I'll worry about it as we get close to the 'event'.
Bwahhah! From Reuters:
Cheney’s Battery Replaced; Bush Sworn in as Temporary President
“It’s always scary when Dick’s batteries get low,” an anonymous White House source said. “But it’s really terrifying to think that something could happen and George would be in charge. Oooh mama!”
Eep. Am supposed to get telephone interview call in about ten minutes. Wish me luck, and CALM? Cause already I feel like I need to pee, and my stomach is jumping around....
go pee right now, that way when your bladder feels nervous, you know that it's faking 'cause you already went.
Heh. I just did a minute ago. I KNOW it's faking me out, but....sigh.
Of course, the recruiter was all "Look at the job description, and look at your resume, and make some notes about how they go together" and I"m looking at it going "Well, it's either ridiculous vague, or something that I haven't really ever done before, so..." It's totally stuff i COULD do, just the next step up, adn I haven't done it.
or you could talk on a wireless phone. So if you gotta pee, just go and chat while on the can. Something certain family members of mine do all the time. I might advise to NOT flush, as that really gives it away.
:: IlovemyfamilyIlovemyfamilyIlovemyfamily::