Heh. I just did a minute ago. I KNOW it's faking me out, but....sigh.
Of course, the recruiter was all "Look at the job description, and look at your resume, and make some notes about how they go together" and I"m looking at it going "Well, it's either ridiculous vague, or something that I haven't really ever done before, so..." It's totally stuff i COULD do, just the next step up, adn I haven't done it.
or you could talk on a wireless phone. So if you gotta pee, just go and chat while on the can. Something certain family members of mine do all the time. I might advise to NOT flush, as that really gives it away.
:: IlovemyfamilyIlovemyfamilyIlovemyfamily::
Oh, no. No, no, no, no.
I agree. You can try to front, and they may not say anything, but they know that you are peeing.
calm ma~~~
I have new glasses. I needed them very badly
Oops, I forgot to do a endtag on sarcasm idea.
< /sarcasm>
Anne, all kinds of ~ma to your stepdad. Staph infections can be wicked.