Oh, Trudy... that's just, well, icky.
Emily, I'm having a similar issue with my gap. I'm paid on my COBRA through the end of July and will be picked up on my new insurance on Aug. 20. I'm going to risk it and not pick up COBRA for August. I do have pre-existing conditions (that require monthly meds). Will there be an issue with that for a three week gap??
Can I tell you all how much I love you? I've been having some, well, ISSUES with my mom telling me that I'm going to Hell and hearing y'all has changed them from ISSUES to issues. Still there, but much lessened. It's not easy when your mom damns you to eternal...ummm....damnation. I grew up fundy Baptist and some of those things are not easily overcome.
(edited so as to not emotionally scar others)
Too late. I saw it before the edit. uber-shudder
Trudy, you know I was messing with you right?
I mean it does totally squick, and I'm sitting on my feet now, but I hope you didn't think I was actually yelling.
I grew up fundy Baptist and some of those things are not easily overcome.
Um. Yes. So with you there.
It really sucks, doesn't it?
eta: maybe would should have a support group that consists of fruity adult beverages with umbrellas and some random groping. I know that would make me feel better.
Don't forget lots of dancing, preferably involving grinding of the hips, the more to remind Our Children of TEH SEX.
Raised Catholic but has many friends and inlaws who were raised conservative Christian.
Don't worry, DJ, I knew you were funnin'.
I'm not cleaning other parts of the apt. I was going to cook today. I'll cook tomorrow.
Dear Bridal Boutiques Everywhere -
Know why you are losing so much business to the heartless, corporate, flourescent light using, bohemouth David's Bridal? Because they actually carry dresses in ALL SIZES. Particularly bridesmaid dresses.
Now, I understand that being a boutique you don't have that much room to carry the full range of sizes in your stores. However, I have seen the zip up panels that they put into wedding dresses so that a person of almost any size can get into a size 8 and get a reasonably good idea of what the dress will look like whn the right size is ordered.
Making a size 16 girl put on a size 10 (read:8) dress just for your own perverse pleasure and then telling her that she'd need it SIX SIZES BIGGER is not the way to curry favor with the bride, mother of the bride, OR the said mridesmaid, who happens to be the maid of honor AND wedding planner.
Fuck you. And that dress with the beaded pointsettias on it you forced on my sister,
The Empress
I went to a Baptist high school. Sometimes I think there isn't enough porn in the world to fix that experience.