Dear Bridal Boutiques Everywhere -
Know why you are losing so much business to the heartless, corporate, flourescent light using, bohemouth David's Bridal? Because they actually carry dresses in ALL SIZES. Particularly bridesmaid dresses.
Now, I understand that being a boutique you don't have that much room to carry the full range of sizes in your stores. However, I have seen the zip up panels that they put into wedding dresses so that a person of almost any size can get into a size 8 and get a reasonably good idea of what the dress will look like whn the right size is ordered.
Making a size 16 girl put on a size 10 (read:8) dress just for your own perverse pleasure and then telling her that she'd need it SIX SIZES BIGGER is not the way to curry favor with the bride, mother of the bride, OR the said mridesmaid, who happens to be the maid of honor AND wedding planner.
Fuck you. And that dress with the beaded pointsettias on it you forced on my sister,
The Empress
I went to a Baptist high school. Sometimes I think there isn't enough porn in the world to fix that experience.
I went to a Baptist high a school. Sometimes I think there isn't enough porn in the world to fix that experience.
I went to the hub's HS reunion, at the school that split off from the baptists because the baptists were way too Establishment. I can't decide whether to say I feel, or CAN'T EVEN BEGIN to approach your pain.
(OTOH, the ones there who didn't go to Bob Jones have enough good taste in bourbon to numb anyone's pain....)
Dear Bridal Boutiques Everywhere
But this? JUST. PLAIN. EVIL.
Aw Aims, I'm sorry. They suck!
ND: I've got a tape that might do the trick. Do you have a VCR?
I cried so much when shopping for my bridesmaid dress. Man, that sucked hard.
I bought mine in one hour--walked into David's Bridal and bought the first one I tried on, off the rack. I only had to take up the halter neck a teeny bit. Thank goodness for their size 16.
But yeah, the bridesmaid dress hunt is of the evil. Not good for the self esteem at all.
Kids are in bed, DH is at the gym. I should catch up on the last episode of Doctor Who and fold laundry.
Y'know what? I'm going to open up a shop that's not a set size of dresses. There's just going to be pictures, and women can come in, and we'll find them a wardrobe of the most flattering designs. Then, we'll pick colors and fabric types, and when she comes in to pick up her clothes only a little tailoring will be needed.
Before she tries them on, we'll inspect the detailing and stitching in bright light, so she can make sure everything is perfect. Then she'll get a little wine and relaxing music while candles are lit and soft lighting turned on.
Then, we bring on the cabana boys to shower them in adoration.
I will purchase all of my clothes there.