Good hunting, Aimee.
Owen pulled a runner today. We were at a birthday party for three hours, with no trouble--I took the kids by myself. Just as I was getting ready to leave and putting Olivia and the diaper bag in the car, Owen (whom I thought was safely in the house) got out the back door and was in the MIDDLE OF A BUSY STREET before anyone could stop him. I ran down the sidewalk screaming "OWEN NO!" like a banshee with Olivia on my hip and ran out without thinking to get him. I dragged him to the sidewalk by the arm and collapsed in tears.
Other than that, the party was really fun.
I need to make an appointment to get the gray colored again.
Awww, man.
I think you should also get a massage, a facial, a spa mani/pedi, and all new clothes.
And a nanny. (Er..which is NOT to imply you aren't like, one of the best moms I know, cause you totally are. Just saying damn, you need a break.)
(Er..which is NOT to imply you aren't like, one of the best moms I know, cause you totally are. Just saying damn, you need a break.)
Heh. Both our friends asked me if I wanted to stay and have a drink. As in a shot.
Yeah, I could use a spa day. But then I don't know a woman who can't!
Fake food currently weirding me out: [link]
I generally try to stick to real food, but there are a few frozen fake things that are just so easy that I end up using them when I'm in a rush. So I can't quite make fun of that. But I can boggle.
Poor you, Cashmere. We had a moment ourselves today when Isaac went running ahead of me and Frances. "Slow down Isaac!" I yelled. Frances decided to add her two cents: "Stop Iyak or you mi-ight fall down!" At which point, Isaac tripped and fell and bonked his nose on a rock.
He barely paused to cry about it. But he was better behaved for the next, oh, 15 minutes.
And then we saw baby turtles! That was cool.
And I suddenly get Burrell's tag.
"Sister and Isaac"
I thought somebody had a new monster book out.
I think there could be a children's book about Iyak, an Eskimo boy, and his kayak.
Yeah...something like that.
Kids' pronounciation cracks me up. Owen's current favorite cartoon is "Poster's Home for Imaginpary Pends."
Not breathing sucks. I am so thankful for asthma drugs, at least.
So much this. Also admitting that, yes, I do have asthma helped. A lot, actually.
Frances decided to add her two cents: "Stop Iyak or you mi-ight fall down!"
Cute! And prophetic.
Stoopid rain in stoopid nashville. Delaying my pwetty pwetty fast boys...
It was the best rain delay ever though.
"We have some great female fans out there and they need lovin'..."
Best. Rain. Delay. Ever.