Spent the day dress shopping with my sister and mom. The dress my sister fell in love with is BEE-YOO-TEE-FULL. She has, under my advice, switched from the extreme of being a barefoot, sundress clad, on the beach with no party bride to a full-out, no holds barred, cathedral length veil and tiara, meringue of a dress princess bride. And the dress today fits that perfectly. [link] This is the dress. And gods is it gorgeous on her.
Sadly, we found no dress for the Empress-of-honor and her consorts, but we will keep shopping.
Good hunting, Aimee.
Owen pulled a runner today. We were at a birthday party for three hours, with no trouble--I took the kids by myself. Just as I was getting ready to leave and putting Olivia and the diaper bag in the car, Owen (whom I thought was safely in the house) got out the back door and was in the MIDDLE OF A BUSY STREET before anyone could stop him. I ran down the sidewalk screaming "OWEN NO!" like a banshee with Olivia on my hip and ran out without thinking to get him. I dragged him to the sidewalk by the arm and collapsed in tears.
Other than that, the party was really fun.
I need to make an appointment to get the gray colored again.
Awww, man.
I think you should also get a massage, a facial, a spa mani/pedi, and all new clothes.
And a nanny. (Er..which is NOT to imply you aren't like, one of the best moms I know, cause you totally are. Just saying damn, you need a break.)
(Er..which is NOT to imply you aren't like, one of the best moms I know, cause you totally are. Just saying damn, you need a break.)
Heh. Both our friends asked me if I wanted to stay and have a drink. As in a shot.
Yeah, I could use a spa day. But then I don't know a woman who can't!
Fake food currently weirding me out: [link]
I generally try to stick to real food, but there are a few frozen fake things that are just so easy that I end up using them when I'm in a rush. So I can't quite make fun of that. But I can boggle.
Poor you, Cashmere. We had a moment ourselves today when Isaac went running ahead of me and Frances. "Slow down Isaac!" I yelled. Frances decided to add her two cents: "Stop Iyak or you mi-ight fall down!" At which point, Isaac tripped and fell and bonked his nose on a rock.
He barely paused to cry about it. But he was better behaved for the next, oh, 15 minutes.
And then we saw baby turtles! That was cool.
And I suddenly get Burrell's tag.
"Sister and Isaac"
I thought somebody had a new monster book out.
I think there could be a children's book about Iyak, an Eskimo boy, and his kayak.
Yeah...something like that.
Kids' pronounciation cracks me up. Owen's current favorite cartoon is "Poster's Home for Imaginpary Pends."