Oh noes, not tell the boy straight up. I need my fix of dark chocolate huckleberry sticks and violet candies. Telling him puts that in jeopardy. *waves hands madly so this makes real sense*
Telling him does NOT put that in jeopardy. Telling him means that there is a VERY GOOD chance that you would get to see him even more!
(Note the asscaps of mock-sternness there. Cower before them! ... Why are you giggling at me?)
I, on the other hand, have turned into one of those people who have to set the alarm early, so I can push snooze several times, and away from my bed, so that I actually have to get out of bed to turn it off, so that I don't just turn it off without actually waking.
On the rare occasion when I do set an alarm, I always set it for the latest possible time I'll need to get up. Because I just don't understand the snooze button. Why would I want something waking me up more than once? It's bad enough that I have to get out of bed in the first place -- I don't want inanimate objects nagging me to do so.
I realize I'm not normal. Carry on.
Health ~ma for your g'pa, juliana.
not tell the boy straight up. I need my fix of dark chocolate huckleberry sticks and violet candies. Telling him puts that in jeopardy.
if he knows maybe he'll feed them to you. Nakkid!
Telling him means that there is a VERY GOOD chance that you would get to see him even more!
or, even better, more of him.
Why would I want something waking me up more than once? It's bad enough that I have to get out of bed in the first place -- I don't want inanimate objects nagging me to do so.
My brain agrees with you. Alas, my body does not.
My brain agrees with you. Alas, my body does not.
Right? It's a bargaining thing. Just 9 more minutes (also, why is it 9 minutes and not a good round 10 or 15? I can't do math in the morning)
Just 9 more minutes (also, why is it 9 minutes and not a good round 10 or 15? I can't do math in the morning)
something about the technology at the time, I think. And then, once they could fix it, everyone was used to nine minutes.
Why would I want something waking me up more than once? It's bad enough that I have to get out of bed in the first place -- I don't want inanimate objects nagging me to do so.
I am as one with Sparky on this. I have trained myself to get right up when the alarm goes off, that way I can set it as late as possible. I also don't like the freaky, disorienting fall-back-asleep morning dreams, so that's another incentive to get up.
Dry heat and ignorant hooples.
Monsoons start in July...I'm afraid hooples are forever.
I wish being stuck here meant I belonged.
Hee! If I were Boss of Everyone, there would be scheduled naptime for everyone.
If Jilli hadn't already had my vote, this woulda clinched it for sure.
I, on the other hand, have turned into one of those people who have to set the alarm early, so I can push snooze several times, and away from my bed, so that I actually have to get out of bed to turn it off, so that I don't just turn it off without actually waking.
libkitty is me. I may even start blaming Juneau.
And why is it when Jilli uses that "my friend finds you attractive and charming and you should get together for coffee" thing it seems like a perfectly sensible and reasonable course of action, but if she offered to do it for me, my brain would explode in mortification and I would pass out from the sudden rush of all the blood in my body rushing to my cheeks?
Just looking over the syllabus for the class I have committed to completing this summer (Principles of Information Systems). My brain exploded again. About 4 chapters, 4 quizzes, 2 sets of homework answers per week. And a couple of bigger long-term projects. And this first week is short because it started midweek, yet has just as much work. (And tomorrow's my birfday! I dowanna do stinky homework on my birfday!) Someone please assure me that I can totally handle this. Because...gaaah!
"Insta-Glam" - I want some of that too. Perhaps in the shower - just turn on the shower and there you go -- no matter what you wear or what you do to your hair - you will look fantastic.