Yeah, we're building a race of frog-people. It's a good time

Xander ,'Selfless'

Experimental TV: Comedy  

This thread is part of an experiment to determine Buffistas' interest in television discussion. It will close on June 1st, 2007, after which there will be a brief skirmish to sort out what we want to do next. This thread is for discussion of all comedy, regardless of airing station. [NAFDA]

Theodosia - May 11, 2007 4:49:27 am PDT #299 of 447
'we all walk this earth feeling we are frauds. The trick is to be grateful and hope the caper doesn't end any time soon"

Some of the Jim reaction shots were priceless this episode. I have to rewatch to look at his reactions when Pam made her speech though, since my personal FLAILING kind of wiped out any other memory of the scene.

Topic!Cindy - May 11, 2007 4:51:07 am PDT #300 of 447
What is even happening?

Oh! I missed that.

It was right after Michael broke the news that he was going for the job at Corporate. Oscar said if [that happened, or if Dwight, or Andy?--I can't even remember got the regional manager position] he was going to transfer to Albany, and he told Gil he could come or not. Then he said something about thinking about ending the relationship anyhow, and that he might give girls a try -- that Angela said she thinks he could cross over.

Other than Pam (OF COURSE! LOVE!!!! !!!)

♥ ♥ ♥

the Stanley bits were cracking me up plus Andy floating away. I thought it was a little slow overall though.

I think so. Honestly, I can't judge the episode objectively, because I knew from the promos that *something* was supposed to happen with Pam, and that's all I cared about, going in. I had braced myself for the promos being a big misdirect and being disappointed, but I don't even think I watched the episode as if it were a comedy, because I was focused on Pam.

Especially in that shot where Michael was asking where he'd gone, while he was floating in the background.
That made me choke.

Topic!Cindy - May 11, 2007 4:52:58 am PDT #301 of 447
What is even happening?

Some of the Jim reaction shots were priceless this episode. I have to rewatch to look at his reactions when Pam made her speech though, since my personal FLAILING kind of wiped out any other memory of the scene.

He looked a little contrite at first, when Pam mentioned her art show. During her truthfulness-about-Jim bits, Jim's face was basically, "OMG OMG OMG gulp OMG OMG OMG ::don't look at the camera::."

tiggy - May 11, 2007 5:07:16 am PDT #302 of 447
I do believe in killing the messenger, you know why? Because it sends a message. ~ Damon Salvatore

He looked a little contrite at first, when Pam mentioned her art show. During her truthfulness-about-Jim bits, Jim's face was basically, "OMG OMG OMG gulp OMG OMG OMG ::don't look at the camera::."

I read it as him forcing himself not to react to her. not only because the cameras were there, but also because Karen was sitting beside him and so was every single person(sans Toby, poor Toby) from the office. plus, i think he was just in shock because he never thought she had those feelings for him. it's why he didn't make a move when he found out she'd broken off the wedding and was back in the dating scene. he figured if she was interested in him, she would've called him or shown up in Stanford.

I seriously cannot get over that final scene. it was so pitch perfect with the reaction shots from everyone else(especially Karen! hellllllllllllloooooo bitchface!). i can't believe we've had to suffer through an entire season with such little Jim/Pam interaction and i hope that now that Pam is being honest with herself and everyone else that it has set things back on the right path.

Fred Pete - May 11, 2007 5:12:22 am PDT #303 of 447
Ann, that's a ferret.

poor Toby

For so many reasons. I keep wondering what he did to deserve being assigned to work for Michael.

Topic!Cindy - May 11, 2007 5:15:58 am PDT #304 of 447
What is even happening?

I read it as him forcing himself not to react to her. not only because the cameras were there, but also because Karen was sitting beside him and so was every single person(sans Toby, poor Toby) from the office. plus, i think he was just in shock because he never thought she had those feelings for him. it's why he didn't make a move when he found out she'd broken off the wedding and was back in the dating scene. he figured if she was interested in him, she would've called him or shown up in Stanford.
I think you're right. I didn't know how to put any of that into actual, informative words. But his eyes were so wide, it was clear he was obviously affected, even though he was trying not to react. It was great. But mostly, I care about Pam in this. I love her and Jim, and I'd love to see their romance and friendship continue, but I'm so frigging proud of her, that it seems a little less important now.

She's now where Jim was in Casino Night. She's just had an, "I've gotta be me," moment. It was so awesome.

I didn't think Karen looked bitchy so much as...I don't even know how to put it. I should probably watch again before I try, because my brain is so focused on Pam, right now.

I love Pam Beesly as much as I love Buffy Summers. There. I've said it. And I'd say it again.

lisah - May 11, 2007 5:34:38 am PDT #305 of 447
Punishingly Intricate

I didn't think Karen looked bitchy so much as...I don't even know how to put it. I should probably watch again before I try, because my brain is so focused on Pam, right now.

As much as I was rooting for Pam (and I always will) I was just dying for Karen during Pam's speech.

I wasn't sure if I understood the Jim & Karen talking to the CEO (?) about the NY position. Are we to understand that they called him? To undermine Michael? Or ...?

Theodosia - May 11, 2007 5:44:38 am PDT #306 of 447
'we all walk this earth feeling we are frauds. The trick is to be grateful and hope the caper doesn't end any time soon"

My belief is that upon finding out there was a position open in the NY office, they both agreed to try for it ASAP. Because, damn, they both should be more attractive to upper mgt than Michael, who just broke up with Jan, after all, and is well-known for his fuckups.

Fred Pete - May 11, 2007 5:47:19 am PDT #307 of 447
Ann, that's a ferret.

I love Pam Beesly as much as I love Buffy Summers.

Pam may be the show's answer to Tara. Two insecure persons growing more confident in themselves and their abilities. And I find it very easy to have a lot of sympathy for Karen, who after all hasn't done anything wrong.

And I (ETA: also) got the impression that Jim and Karen were both trying to get the corporate position for themselves. So, undermining Michael in the sense of competing with him but not in the sense of trying to bring him down.

Polter-Cow - May 11, 2007 6:20:44 am PDT #308 of 447
What else besides ramen can you scoop? YOU CAN SCOOP THIS WORLD FROM DARKNESS!

I love Pam Beesly as much as I love Buffy Summers. There. I've said it. And I'd say it again.

Say it as many times as you want. The same comparison came to my mind.