I wonder if anything's going to come of Mary knowing (recognizing) the demon at Sam's crib -- whether or not she *knew* he was a demon, or just recognized his human face.
Also wondering if there's more than the obvious significance to Sam being stabbed in the back.
Now wondering if those two things are related. Huh.
Now wondering if those two things are related. Huh.
Ooh. And now you have me wondering.
Also, I'm assuming that the YED gave the same spiel he gave to Sam to most of the other players as well. "You're my favorite... blah, blah, monologuing." His use of (paraphrasing) "best and brightest of your generation" amused me greatly.
I'ma go curl up in a whimpery ball. I hope that the west coasters make it through. Hang in there!
Aaaarrrgghhh! Aaaaahhhh! Arraaagrraaahhh!
I mean ow, but I also mean hee.
Skipping to the end to say
See, I knew from an interview that they were going to do something Very Mean and Bad in the last scene.
And from the promo, it wasn't hard to guess what. Which made it less a matter of what, more a matter of how next week will deal with it.
Loved seeing Ava go darkside. It made me strongly desire to see Ginger Snaps again. Because she's so freakin' good at it.
Did they really have to make a black guy the ultimate muscle, though? Did they really feel the need to have a dead lesbian? One doomed to kill by touching? I am making a wee frowny face at them right now.
Okay, we are done West Coast, right? I'm on your time now, but I was all worried I'd just posted episode analysis in the middle of your watch & post. I'm always so confused because I'm on satellite and I never have any idea what time zone my locals are in.
So, reposting now...
I was going to make a weebl & Dean icon, but after all the sad I can't.
I was so glad to see Ava (and okay, Andy) back, but they were with us for so short a time! I felt whiplashed by it. Ava's not missing! But in trouble! But turned evil! But dead! I wish I'd had more time to deal with her storyline.
However, I find it plausible and not unsympathetic that she's have gotten to the point where she is. If she really had been there for all five months, kill or be killed that whole time, I can see where you'd get to the point where kill seemed like a reasonable option, especially if it turned out you were good at it.
In a sense, if you had the skills and the YED motivation, it would almost seem like suicide not to kill. Which, yeah, probably right where the YED wants you. Which it was, in the end, for Sam!
Oh, Sam, Sammy, please be not dead Sammy! Also, I was all, pressure on the wound, Dean! But, if dead, maybe anguished hugs more appropriate. Please be not dead, Sam!
And also, why didn't you pick up both weapons when you realized you were fighting and decided to go for it? 'Cause leaving the knife there was just dumb.
Lots of new information in this ep. How reliable a narrator do we think the YED was being when he showed Sam his babyhood?
Also, totally agree with PMM about the stereotyping. At first I was all, great, the black guy's the redshirt. Then he wasn't. Then the lesbian went all schmuck-baity. And I rolled my eyes forever. Because it would be Wrong to Touch Another Woman, and in the end she must Hang for it. Then I was hoping for partnership and a relationship outside of his brother's with someone who had power like him and also understood the internal struggle in a way Dean never will. But no. Because Minorities Can Not Be Trusted and it's always possible they will Stab You In The Not-Metaphorical Back. Pfah, I say to you.
But it sounds a little muffled when I say it because I'm saying it through all the rest of the episode flail.