Good luck with Senor Sock, tommyrot, however it may go.
Had two fun photo ops yesterday: Kat holding Noah, and dorkfest at Star Wars Celebration IV.
We have friends working this event, covering EVERYTHING - here's the official blog photostream and the official blog.
Star Wars Celebration IV.
I *love* the Darth Vader helmets!!!
I'm very sorry to hear about SeƱor Sock, tommyrot.
The Vader helmets were really really cool. Here's more on The Vader Project.
Thanks for all the kitty well-wishes. I feel like I'm just biding my time until the afternoon when I'll call the hospital again.
Loved the Star Wars pictures. I'm not sure which I liked more - the little girl in glasses and Leia costume, or the somewhat heavy guy in the Leia slave bikini costume.
I kind of agree with everybody. Bottom line as I see it: Wedding ring as recently as 2 weeks ago? Red flag. Do not fuck. Chat up, maybe. Keep on hold pending further info. Do not give key to apartment or cell phone number.
In general: Romance is worth the risk of heartache. It's not worth the risk of some psycho stalking you. You've just got to take enough time to figure out which one will likely result if the relationship doesn't work out. If your gut sends danger signals, listen.
Also, you'll never know what's really going on until you meet the ex.
might be the psycho.
For myself, I had to learn not only where I needed to put some boundaries, but where I could push them and where I should not. I think everyone has to decide/learn those things themselves, and no one's experience with that will be exactly the same as anyone else's.
Of course, I'm the person who moved from Virginia to New Jersey to move in with a guy I'd only spent one weekend with before. Perhaps I'm no help either. The relationship lasted for two years, ended painfully, and we ended up remaining good friends. Ultimately a win/win. He took a chance on me, too. Was probably the first real risk he ever took.
and, meara:
Aw, tommy, so sorry about Senor! I hope they figure out what's wrong and he gets better soon!
Yay, ita, eating!
Yay babies in onesies! So amazing, they are.
Although I'm not a "baby" person, I find holding babies to be very relaxing. You know, until they poo.
Loving the Star Wars Celebration photos.
You can't fix stupid.
This has become my mantra.
cosmic dynamite
I love this phrase. May I use it?
Let's see - I dated one woman who was separated. We met online, and she insisted we didn't meet f2f until her divorce was finalized (which meant we met f2f about a week later than we otherwise would have). Then there's been once or twice when a woman who was "separated" expressed an interest in me but it turned out she was kinda' leading me on (she had been exaggerating the separatedness and downplaying the chance she'd back together with the person).