I steadfastly ignored the Nyah-nyah-nyah-nyah-nyah Press Conference. I knew as soon as I saw the announcement that he was just going on television to gloat and lecture us all.
Flaming appliances=bad.
I used to have a small toaster oven in my dorm room and on winter days I would come back from class, pop in some read-made cookie dough and have hot, fresh, chocolate chip cookies and cocoa.
I'd kill someone for an oven fresh chocolate chip cookie right now.
It's easier to hate my life less with full sleep.
Not enough wrod in the world. I think my kids gave me a reprieve last night and didn't do the tag team waking. I got a whole seven hours uninterrupted and it feels pretty damn good.
just implied that anyone killed in Iraq over the next couple of months is the fault of people against the war.
ie - War doesn't kill people. People against the war kills people.
Um, the NRA wants its tag back. and I want to throw my flaming tv out the window.
Some of the Fark LOLPresidents are incredibly offensive (how shocking), but a few of them made me laugh a lot.
"Droppin' Hamiltons Like It's Hot" make me laugh and laugh and laugh like the GINORMOUS nerdgirl that I am.
t edit
As did Nixon/Mao with the "ROFL MAO" word balloons.
t edit again
As did the "SUCK IT, WHIGS" ones.
That man honestly just implied - damn near outright stated - that anyone killed in Iraq over the next couple of months is the fault of people against the war.
What's more depressing is I'm not even a little bit shocked by this. Disgusted and angry, yes, but I've completely lost the ability to be surprised by anything this administration says anymore.
Jessie has nothing on the chicken who adopted kittens! (OK, it's more like she likes to lay her eggs on the kittens and sit on them all, but it's still pretty darn cute.)
I need lunch. What is everyone having for lunch?
I'm probably gonna have a roast beef sandwich on a croissant. I'm gonna go to this lefty coffee shop that has free WiFi.
I don't know yet. It's free lunch day, and the menu hasn't been announced yet.
I already had my pita sandwich (lettuce, green peppers, swiss cheese and cucumber sauce--I don't like the chick peas they included) and an orange, but am still hungry, so will probably get some soup at the cafeteria before long.