I think he's bad news.
Bad news or not, you got chicken out of it.
My key broke off in the trunk lock of my car in the hospital parking lot. My ignition key is different than my trunk and door key, so I could drive home. But no AAA help because I can drive. Unfortunately my purse, my AAA card, my cell phone, paperwork on the babies? All in the trunk.
This makes for an unhappy last day of leave.
Huh. Regarding ex-presidents insulting other presidents:
WILLIAM TAFT (1909-1913) was charged with carrying Roosevelt’s "big stick" as War Secretary. Roosevelt hand-picked him as his successor, declaring there could not "be found in the whole country a man so well fitted to be president." It wasn't long, however, before he was calling Taft a "second-rate flubdub...a fathead and a puzzlewit."
I think I shall endeavor to reintroduce the pejorative "puzzlewit" back into popular usage....
I HAVE MY BOY LOLLIPOP STUCK IN MY HEAD. If memory serves, that's Hec's fault.
At least you now associate it with playful sexy animation.
I love "second-rate flubdub."
I want to invent a new musical genre called flubdub.
I want to know what would qualify someone as a first-rate flubdub.
I want to know what would qualify someone as a first-rate flubdub.
Perhaps the extent of their puzzlewittiness would be a factor.
I kick butt at jigsaw puzzles, does that count?