So, the risk wouldn't be to the male vaccinee; it would be to the herd, as it were. I didn't even think about that side of things. Interesting.
Right. Since the virus itself doesn't seem have much in the way of proven health risks for men, I doubt the vaccine could unless some seriously sloppy Frankenstein-style labwork went down. But for the time being I think concentrating efforts on voluntary inocculations for the people we know the vaccine actually works on (and who face the worst risks from infection) is the best way to go. If further studies reveal it to be similarly effective and safe in males age 9-18, then expand the push to include them and provide doubled protection.
I'm pretty proud of myself today, I did 2 miles of the Jamie Bamber cardio sprint/walk and another mile of just walking (30 minutes total for 3 miles) this morning and was only winded, not dead on my feet afterwards. Now heading to the Y to swim and see about doing some punching bag work.
No. Sumi, I haven't it. I guess there's a major HS moment, yes?
"Gnarus" is having knowledge of, or experience's more like "I know her" than "I understand this." And it's not in a gerund form; that is, with the -ing ending.
It's more "Experience the truth through lumps of cake batter (English "of" -- not a Latin word) your head head."
It's from an auto-translator, Zenkitty. I went there first to get the words for lump/bump, and it gave me the "Gnarus" and the "caput capitis" too.
Ha! That's what I get for asking lazy people for answers. I should have come here first. Why the heck would it put "head" in there twice?
Although "experience the truth through cake batter" isn't such bad advice.
I'm pretty proud of myself today, I did 2 miles of the Jamie Bamber cardio sprint/walk and another mile of just walking (30 minutes total for 3 miles) this morning and was only winded, not dead on my feet afterwards. Now heading to the Y to swim and see about doing some punching bag work.
Wow, Matt. You're working hard. If only Jamie Bamber were there.
Yep -- it can definitely be read as "Knowledge of truth through cake"(or lumps of food, according to my Oxford Latin Dictionary.)
Okay, irritating kvetch about GA: Due to my recent experience, there is no way that twins
born at 34 weeks would be held in a recovery room. Those noodles, no matter how big are still considered at risk preemies (due to lung development etc) and would be in warmers in the NICU. They might not be there for long, but probably overnight.
I sometimes wish that my knowledge on this weren't enough for me to watch TV and recognize the ish. The song at the end, by Ingrid Michaelson, Keep Breathing, is fantastically apt. And a nice companion to Anna Nalick's song Breathe which the show has used at least twice.
Okay, on the Burke/Cristina front? WTF?
does this mean Washington is off the show after all?
Distinct possibility. And George? I know that
he's not off, but what now? And that felt cheap. Like Izzy not going back. Who's not going back next year? Meredith.
Lame lame lame.
Although "experience the truth through cake batter" isn't such bad advice.
It would be a totally different website, but still a darned tasty one.
GA: Ah yes. See no real HS but lots of
WTF?? I think that Burke won't be back so that we can experience the drama of George failing, George and Callie having the baby to save the marriage, George having the wife who is more successful in the professional he failed at than he ever was
On the mumps thing from a little while back -- it used to be thought that if an adult man got mumps it would leave him sterile, but it's been more recently shown that, while that is a possible side effect, it's not anywhere near as common as people once thought. (I can recall a few books set around WWII where a couple wasn't able to have kids because the husband had mumps while he was in the army. Or, where they didn't have kids for some other secret reason, and told people that it was because he'd had mumps in the army.)