I didn't know it existed!
Huh. Me neither.
The student who teaches at the sexist gun place just texted me that our next class will be severely discounted--because the first one was overcrowded. I just realised I haven't had the "You were okay, but your coworkers..." conversation with him yet. Maybe if he comes out with us Sunday.
my platelet count is actually borderline to qualify
The one time I've donated platelets so far, they got almost enough for three people out of me, plus "beautiful plasma," according to the phlebotomist working there! This time, I'll go for the "in-one-arm, out-the-other" method to cut down on how much time I have to sit still. Last time, I was there for almost two hours, and when I got up, I moved like an old person with bad arthritis in both knees and the left elbow, which I couldn't bend.
Hey, ita, does krav teach you how to break up fights? It occurs to me that's a skill I would find handy. The last one I was in was more playful than not (although it definitely looked more serious than it was) but I could really stand to have the ability to make people move away from each other.
IcompletelyON, DH just told me that he and Adam Baldwin are the same height (as an aside to IMing me about fall pilots), and now my mental image of AB is all screwy. How can he always look like the tallest person in the cast if he's only 5'7"? It just ain't right.
Hey, ita, does krav teach you how to break up fights?
Not primarily, no. That's more of a sideline, and comes with the law enforcement/close body protection training, since it's not self defense. And it's be risky to try and break fights up without knowing how to fight yourself--so it's not taught straight out of the gate.
Adam Baldwin is almost as tall as DB, if I remember my Angel correctly, so that can't be right.
Jess, I think Fone is messing with you. That, or he's planning to surprise you by coming home with a shiny new set of leg implants.
Adam Baldwin is almost as tall as DB, if I remember my Angel correctly, so that can't be right.
See, apparently he's not. He just looked that way on the show. Or else DB is also not as tall as I'd been assuming.
And it's be risky to try and break fights up without knowing how to fight yourself--so it's not taught straight out of the gate.
Yeah, I know. That's the thing, though, even if I knew how to fight, I don't think I could do it in the context of breaking up a fight. It would involve hitting students, which I think is generally frowned on. Heh. I think I can only go into that situation with the option of getting hurt myself.
But I have no doubt that I'll need to do it, again and again, so it seems that I would be well advised to get some sort of training.
I had my picture taken next AB at DCon, he's tall! I'd say he's around the same height as my brother who is 6'3".