Wouldn't you notice getting one of those?
Sadly, maybe not. Especially with other swelling confusing the issue.
There's also a thing you can get from impact that's like a protective sac of liquid over the injury. Which, if memory serves, just needs to be drained but would also require a visit to an MD. Eventually.
Are you krav-ing in your sleep?
Must be in my sleep--although I'm teaching, I haven't been well enough to train in weeks.
What can they really do for a broken finger at all, much less if it's just a hairline fracture?
Have no idea. And our main krav doctor's out because she got T-boned. So her problems a little more pressing.
Me, I have no idea if a hairline fracture makes a lump like this. Hurts like a bitch, and keeps getting in my damned way.
What are Krystals?
Small, square burgers sold at eponymous fast food joint.
The other day I kept poking myself in the head because I had a tender spot that I couldn't remember acquiring. Finally asked my husband if he remembered me wacking my head on anything and he told me that I had sat up during a nightmare and banged my noggin on the headboard on the way back down. I would have guessed that something like that would wake a person up, but apparently not.
Small, square burgers sold at eponymous fast food joint.
Sounds like White Castle. Which I could never eat, because they smell funky.
Lee, that's easy! BBQ the Summer Associates! Or, in the alternative, send them an email telling them it's been moved to another place and time.
Sad now. Clearly I didn't take all the advantage I could have of the delicious evil that is Sparky while she was here.
So, I suppose you'd better move back here!
Hey, it occurs to me that I need sneakers. Do I really have to go to a large loud scary sneaker store to get them??
What are the shoes for? At Jackrabbit they're pretty nice and they videotape your stride to help figure out what shoes you need. For running at least.
Sounds like White Castle.
This exactly. Krystal is the South's White Castle.
I would have guessed that something like that would wake a person up, but apparently not.
Well, it woke H up!
ita, if there's still swelling, I'd keep putting ice on it and see what happens. I think if it doesn't go down or gets more sore, then even I'd go to the doctor. I'd protest and complain, but I'd go.
So, I suppose you'd better move back here!
Find me the job that pays the salary that gets me the house I can afford here. Or keep tempting me on the difficult days.