Sounds like short bursts of machine gun fire
For me, that's either the ice maker in the fridge or the bar around the corner.
I don't think I've ever had Ramen noodles. Mac and cheese is still necessary to help get me through a day every once in a while.
I have a weird lump on my finger. Friend suggests a hairline fracture.
Wouldn't you notice getting one of those? Admittedly the hand did swell up nice and large and purple for a few days, but I thought the blood was coming in from somewhere else. It does that sometimes. But now that the swelling is down, there's this excruciatingly painful lump...
I don't want to go to the doctor. Please don't make me.
Isn't the swelling and the purple noticing?
Wait! This isn't the deadly pinky finger is it?
Isn't the swelling and the purple noticing?
It's the inciting incident that I'm missing. My fingers start being numb, I look down and see the big purple swelling, but there was no pain for at least a day.
I didn't
anything to it, I swear.
I have to decide if I want to go to the firm BBQ or not. On one hand, free good food, but on the other hand, summer associates. It's a tough call.
Are you krav-ing in your sleep?
eta: Lee, that's easy! BBQ the Summer Associates! Or, in the alternative, send them an email telling them it's been moved to another place and time.
What can they really do for a broken finger at all, much less if it's just a hairline fracture? Maybe buddy-tape it?
Wouldn't you notice getting one of those?
Sadly, maybe not. Especially with other swelling confusing the issue.
There's also a thing you can get from impact that's like a protective sac of liquid over the injury. Which, if memory serves, just needs to be drained but would also require a visit to an MD. Eventually.
Are you krav-ing in your sleep?
Must be in my sleep--although I'm teaching, I haven't been well enough to train in weeks.
What can they really do for a broken finger at all, much less if it's just a hairline fracture?
Have no idea. And our main krav doctor's out because she got T-boned. So her problems a little more pressing.
Me, I have no idea if a hairline fracture makes a lump like this. Hurts like a bitch, and keeps getting in my damned way.