Guys don't use the same scale. I have been told too often that a guy won't hang out with a chick for any considerable time if he's not angling for something more.
This particular guy? Not angling! As far as I've ever been able to tell... I forgot my favorite thing about him, since we haven't seen each other in a long time: He knows I'm not a hugger, so we shake hands! My favorite. And the event was great, and not as long as I expected, so all in all, a lovely evening.
This particular guy? Not angling!
Actually, it's funny. It's usually a guy who tells me that I'm being naive about guys. Just drives home how much I don't get about the gender gap sometimes.
Though I'm getting better at reading (other people's) relationships, when it's a guy especially. No bearing on my own life, though.
Ditched krav entirely today. Urrgh. I hate being unreliable, although it's for the most understanding of instructors.
msbelle, it depends--there are ways around it, if you don't have a dual tuner. If you don't get digital cable channels, you may have access to all your normal channels.
I'm ready for Memorial Day weekend. Between sitting in on continuing the law department's legal education presentations most of the morning(and doing so again tomorrow morning), then getting car maintenance that involved the expense of getting two brake pads replaced etc., followed by a vet appointment for Teddy, this has not been the day of my dreams.
On the other hand, the vet is pleased with Teddy's progress, pending the results of the blood work.
Oh, I forgot the key part of my relationship with this particular guy: I think what's really after is actually my professional opinion on things. So it's not just the pleasure of my company, but also not The Nasty, that he's looking for.
Good news about Teddy!
Jesse, that make sense. I mean, to the awful cynic inside that I don't let out much.
I'm not saying we aren't friends!! (If he's lurking...)
I read the article earlier about the teachers and the terrorist drill earlier, and was aghast. I understand, totally, the idea of preparing kids for something like this. We had out first drill the other week, and I was pissed as fuck at some of the kids for jacking around. I think I went up to a few and said quietly, "You know, if this were real, you would have gotten us all killed. Think about that."
But I teach HIGH SCHOOL. High school kids who have LOTS of guns and jail time! And medications!! These were little kids! At what sounded like a field trip, or a lock-in. WTF??!!
It was France, where it is totally encouraged to teach by humiliation.
Oh, I'm so ripe for this. I would be so good at it. I have to hold myself back constantly. (which in general is a Good Thing, I admit.)
Ewan McG in Othello? With Chiwetel Lastname? OMG, that's so awesome! I have to tell my co-worker!
I understand, totally, the idea of preparing kids for something like this.
Preparing them to react to any (god forbid) real attack with suspicion and distrust. Yeah, that sounds like a good plan.
I think the end of this week's HIMYM may be even more gay than some gay porn AND Angel.
I'm still waiting for it.