I read the article earlier about the teachers and the terrorist drill earlier, and was aghast. I understand, totally, the idea of preparing kids for something like this. We had out first drill the other week, and I was pissed as fuck at some of the kids for jacking around. I think I went up to a few and said quietly, "You know, if this were real, you would have gotten us all killed. Think about that."
But I teach HIGH SCHOOL. High school kids who have LOTS of guns and jail time! And medications!! These were little kids! At what sounded like a field trip, or a lock-in. WTF??!!
It was France, where it is totally encouraged to teach by humiliation.
Oh, I'm so ripe for this. I would be so good at it. I have to hold myself back constantly. (which in general is a Good Thing, I admit.)
Ewan McG in Othello? With Chiwetel Lastname? OMG, that's so awesome! I have to tell my co-worker!
I understand, totally, the idea of preparing kids for something like this.
Preparing them to react to any (god forbid) real attack with suspicion and distrust. Yeah, that sounds like a good plan.
I think the end of this week's HIMYM may be even more gay than some gay porn AND Angel.
I'm still waiting for it.
My neighbor's cat, Big Blue, just wandered into my apartment and scared the crap out of Ruby, who wants none of Big Blue. There was some low-rider kitty action followed by hissing.
That sucks, Allyson. I hope Big Blue stays out from now on.
Poor Ruby. Did she at least win?
Noah's surgery is being pushed back until Wednesday at an undisclosed time.
Skipping sooooo much to post that, according to the Buffista Calendar, today is Megan E's birthday.
Happy birthday, Megan! With lots of wishes for a great day and a wonderful year!
Also, it's Hec and JZ's wedding anniversary. Can you believe that when they got married, only three years (already three years?) ago, there was no Matilda in the world? Either way, a happy day and a great year for all their family!
Hippo Birdies Megan, and Happy Anniversary to the Zmayhems!
I will hold the surgery-ma until tomorrow at an undisclosed time.
This morning, browsing around as one does, I found that the Grauniad (Guardian.co.uk) has an Ethical Living section to its Style & Life listings. Why DON'T we do this over here?