tigers are COOL! That diving thing rocks.
So, Noah needs surgery to close the hole in his aorta. Tentatively, it's scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. Same surgery as Grace had weeks ago.
Also, I have been getting the first set of hospital bills. Just for the stay, not including pathology or consults, each of my kids has racked up over $430,000 in hospital bills for one month.
I have been told too often that a guy won't hang out with a chick for any considerable time if he's not angling for something more.
and yet I think I have this friend who spends time with this guy a lot. um, she's pretty and smart, let's see who is she again?
My favorite plagiarism incident was in France where a student handed in a exact copy of my model outline (from the year before) of the article assigned.
Surgery ~ma for Noah, and for you and your family, Kat.
each of my kids has racked up over $430,000 in hospital bills for one month.
And they're worth every penny. Heck, I hope part of my insurance payments or tax dollars helped.
Sparky, thank you. That's incredibly sweet.
I keep thinking, "Thank god it's hard to repossess kids!"
This afternoon K and I saw Waitress. It was TOTALLY pie porn. But it has msbelle's secret celeb boyfriend.
I'm sorry he needs the surgery, but glad it will fix him up right quick! Wishing him hale & hearty. & definitely what Sparky said.
I was talking to my mom and it turns out my twin cousins were born at your hospital. 43 years ago! (They didn't even know there were twins until... they had to deliver 2! Freaky!) Anyway, one had a PDA as well, though I'm not sure what they had to do about it. Anyway, said twin is busy terrifying his parents by crashing his hang-glider and racking up $500 worth of parking tickets in one week in NYC.
I think I have this friend who spends time with this guy a lot. um, she's pretty and smart, let's see who is she again?
I didn't mention I disagree with this guy?
However, it seems that every time the woman's been
sure it's not a date, it's a date. Not sure it all? It mightn't be a date. Mostly but not totally? Homeboy wants to hit it.
My favorite plagiarism incident was in France where a student handed in a exact copy of my model outline (from the year before) of the article assigned
How did you handle it? With maximum embarrassment, I'd hope.
Wow, Kat. Numbers are scary. Still, there are more important things to hand, like your boynoodle getting patched up.
There's a small child outside on her balcony lispily taunting her sibling with "peniths-head! You peniths-head!"
How did you handle it? With maximum embarrassment, I'd hope.
Of course. It was France, where it is totally encouraged to teach by humiliation. It was handled in front of the entire class. Honestly, I doubt that kid will ever do anything like that again. I'll take that over an "Honor Board" any day.