Laundry doesn't bug me so much anymore. Weird since now I do it every week and I used to go 2-3. I just bought a second drying rack yesterday for the laundry. I only dry sheets and towels now.
Today has been really wonderful. Mac sang in church and was adorable, we ate Ethiopian food and some folks there doted on him, spent a few minutes at a playground where he amused himself and I read in the sun, colored and did homework without pouting, complaints or any battles of will.
Kat? do you have a paypal account?
Went to brunch with the family, then back to my mom and dad's place. got home about half an hour ago. I desperately want to nap, but am afraid if I do, I won't wake up.
Today has been really wonderful.
Aw, it was your mother's day present!
Kat? do you have a paypal account?
I do indeed. Using my gmail account, I think, which is msgullo at blah blah blah.
Back from the hospital... no cute noodle pictures but I think I'm more prosaic about the hole in Noah's artery now than I was yesterday.
Other good things: bookshelf is almost set up which means that the pic books and the tall books can move off the mantle and have a real home. YAY HOME!
Does anyone else feel compelled to read all of Harry Potter from the beginning before the next one comes out?
Yes! I totally do that. I'm in the second book currently -- but I've been a slackery non-reader for the past couple of weeks.
I should start rereading because it might take me until july when the books come out.
I think we should have a harry potter reading party or at least a harry potter party.
I can't see the words oh goodness without hearing them as said by Lillian (she says it a lot).
Back from the extended M Day brunch thing.
I'm never eating again.
Why is ganache so EASY???
Also, can someone think of a Canadian TV show featuring some doctor who's come out of the closet or is coming out of the closet? This came up at brunch, but was sidetracked by my MiL deciding that my ex-BiL (it's complicated--he once suggested Brother Outlaw to define his role in the family) saying that his friend in said show was "Born Canadian" was the funniest thing ever. We blame the mimosas.
I definitely want to read OotP before the movie comes out, and HBP before the new book, but there's no way I'll get them all reread before then.
Happy Mother's Day, moms and those with moms and everybody celebrating today.