My next door neighbour was hoarding my new flash drive. Sure, I had it shipped to the wrong apartment number, but he could have given it to me, you know?
Opened it and everything. When I knocked on his door, he knew just why I was there.
Hmmph. This is the same guy that's been parked in my parking spot since I moved here a few years ago. I tired of that fight fast. And my current parking spot lets me practice my parallel parking skills.
Hmph. That's annoying. I would be annoyed.
The Navajo reservation time thing is odd, too. We used to drive from New Mexico, which changed, to Arizona, which didn't, and then back onto the reservation, which changed. So we'd go through three time changes in about an hour. It was very confusing.
Hmm. The cupcakes turned out really well. The frosting, NSM. I'm waiting to see if sitting in the fridge for a little while will firm it up. If not, either more powdered sugar, or just forget the frosting.
But, yay! I have my drive now and I can install apps on it. Cross-platform Firefox, even.
I think I'm in love.
How did it take me so long to notice that my iPod automatically pauses when I unplug my headphones? Really confused me when I was switching from headphones to the car system yesterday. Neat protection, though.
I've been depressing myself by reading and I think I'll go clean the living room....
Opened it and everything. When I knocked on his door, he knew just why I was there.
What an ass. Who opens another person's package?
Yikes. I'm kind of afraid to look, but kind of think I ought to.
Yeah, he's a thorough consummate ass.
How interchangeable is yoghurt with sour cream in baking? I have all this yoghurt and a craving for sour cream cupcakes. I know the leavening aspect should be fine--but what about texture? Less light and fluffy?
I stopped at a Speedway gas station today and there was a sticker on the pump saying that there was a $50 limit purchase on pay-at-the-pum for Visa and $75 limit for Mastercard. The note said it wasn't a company policy (meaning Speedway?).
At $3.19/gallon, this limit could be very inconvenient for people trying to fill up their tanks.
Has anyone heard of this before? I haven't and I've been buying gas and paying at the pump for a very long time.