Cute boots. It looks to me that the objectionable bow is just the way they have the laces tied. Also, I think you are in not much danger from an accidental needle stick but there might be something you should get tested for in case Ozzie has something transferable. But I think even with needles known to have been exposed to infection the chances of transfer with one accidental stick are pretty low.
Hummingbird, yay!
Hot water, also yay. The vagaries of when you get hot water and when you don't are beyond me.
Cute boots. It looks to me that the objectionable bow is just the way they have the laces tied.
That's what I thought too (and thanks Zenkitty)
Also, I think you are in not much danger from an accidental needle stick but there might be something you should get tested for in case Ozzie has something transferable. But I think even with needles known to have been exposed to infection the chances of transfer with one accidental stick are pretty low.
I actually have to take Ozzie to the vet this afternoon anyway, so I'll ask them, but I'm not really that worried about it.
I wanna see Lee's boots, but can't find the linkety link.
That picture of Denise Williams weirds me out too. She's beautiful in that plastic-barbie-but-with-pubic-hair way.
At my parents's house, the hot water heater has to be run very very slowly at first but a few minutes after the furnace kicks on, you are good to go with hot water and can take a real shower. So your shower has to gradually increase in water pressure until the end.
Our current hot water heater is also finicky. though it's new, the house is old and I think the house is infecting it.
Even my parents' heater at their new house has to be encouraged to turn on, either by running water or flipping the switch. I think it's an energy saving feature.
Der. I am slow but figured out how to foil the find function to get to Lee's posts. Found the boots! So cute. Also
Do I want to apply for a job in Costa Mesa?
YES! Closer to me.
I think I may need to buy the boots. I need to think about the CM thing too. The thought of packing and moving makes me very tired, but maybe not as tired as sticking it out in current job.
I can see that. Moving is a drag
t looks balefully at the unopened boxes of my clothes in the nursery
so I can see where that would be a limiting factor. But sometimes, change, while hard, is good. Or at least inevitable.
sometimes, change, while hard, is good.
prints onto large banner. hangs on ceiling.
It definitely needs thinking about, and I think I am going to revamp my resume this weekend, in any case.
Speaking of change, I need to go get my hair done. I think I'm going to go back to dark red, but I may change my mind between now and then.
But sometimes, change, while hard, is good. Or at least inevitable.
So very true.
ETA: Aims, you able to chat on AIM?