Well, I'm back from SF and seem to have found an awesome place to live, which is good. Now I just have to secure movers. And, you know, pack. Ugh.
In other news, somewhere along the way, my anxiety dreams seem to have shifted from running around trying to find the classroom to take my exam in, to running around trying to find a place to photocopy the exercises I need for teaching that day. I can only guess that one day soon I'll be running around looking for the
Chicago Manual of Style.
I'm not saying I don't appreciate the symmetry, but if I'm still here at 8:30 tonight I'ma have to choke a bitch.
Jesse, why is your toe bleeding?
New shoes I wore Wednesday plus a lack of sufficient band-aids at my house. It's fine, really.
Well, I'm back from SF and seem to have found an awesome place to live, which is good.
YAY! What neighborhood?? And when do you go?
YAY! What neighborhood?? And when do you go?
It turns out that a friend of a friend has an awesome deal on a two-bedroom in West Portal (best described by Hec as "an interesting neighborhood caught somewhere between 1955 and gentrification"). His roommate moved out in the fall and he didn't really need to look for another but was willing to consider it because of my friends. He seems really laid back and easy to get along with, but I figure even if it doesn't work out, it will give me time to figure out something else. The rent is less than I pay here!!
I'm shooting to have my stuff picked up at the end of the month and getting to SF around the weekend of June 9-10th.
I just had to run into the backyard to rescue Chumley, who had either fallen or jumped out of the (first floor) window I accidentally left open. In the middle of a thunderstorm... so he was wet and miserable, but still tried to get away when I went to pick him up because Cats Must Be Free. Now he's locked onto the back porch (with all the windows safely closed) to think about his crimes and also to dry off a bit before I let him run free in the house. He was both sopping and dirty from all the dirt under the porch, etc.....
Oh my god, I cannot wake up today.
What was the name of the fan that was all the 'fista rage in the summer of ought six? My cheapie fan has stopped oscillating, and I'm looking for something in the tower form factor to replace it.
Other than reliability and feature set, what makes a good fan a good fan? Quietness, I'm thinking. Mine also had a remote control (only used to wrest control from uppity visitors) and a sleep setting which in one swoop set the shutdown timer to about 6 hours and the fan on the lowest setting. Oh, yeah! Shutdown timer.
Finally remembered to google tempurpedic dust mites
and the answer is good--the buggers aren't living in my pillow.
Still need to vacuum more, and can't work out how to fit much more laundry into my life.
Oops. I googled that a long time ago, and forgot to tell you about it. I got all interested in getting my own damn tempurpedic pillow. I have a spring mattress that I really like ('cause no way in hell I can afford a tempurpedic mattress unless it shows up stacked against a wall in a thrift shop) but I would eventually like to get a pillow. Mine is driving me nuts right now.
Was it Vornado? WE love ours.
What was the name of the fan that was all the 'fista rage in the summer of ought six?
You might be thinking of the Vornado.
Congrats on finding a place, megan!