Deep thoughts: why are there 321,000 Google hits for lolcat and only 14,500 for loldog? Are cats inherently funnier than dogs? One would think the reverse. Do they photograph better? Do they type better?
Or is it just that cat people spend more time on the internet than dog people, who are all out doing something healthy like playing frisbee.
Hairs getting cut tonight.
New SPN tonight.
Did yoga this morning and feel much better.
Travelling tomorrow to see dear friends.
Will most likely see M tonight.
Nails are done very nicely this week.
Hair dye experiment turned out very pretty.
Had some kick-ass strawberries for lunch.
Have to go all the way to Potrero Hill to get my hairs cut. Which is fine, except for the whole "getting back home" part.
Sabres are losing to the rassinfrassin' Senators. At home.
My back is hurting AND itching like unto hellaciousness.
Former boss was a dip and didn't hire JZ to replace me.
Still need to pack and am experiencing anxiety over that. Stupid Issues. Stupid TSA.
A ginormous zit is threatening to break out on the left side of my nose. Treatment is continuing apace.
Pro: I'm off in a little over half an hour
Tomorrow's Friday
I may actually get to work out tonight.
Con: Tiff with Mr. Jane
Have been here since 9 am.
Also think I'm about to start.
Happy Birthday Ailleann!
Lee, JA didn't kill the thread. It's just way to easy to become distracted by all the collected pretty on provocateuse.
Darnit, Looptopia is tomorrow (Friday) night-to-Saturday morning, and I wish I could go!! Oh, well, next year.
I was just gonna ask if anyone wants to do this. My out-of-town friends cancelled on me.
Cuddle care on the horizon, yay!
I was terribly industrious at work. Of course, it was tracking down stuff that I may have missed 7 years ago, but what the hell. I enjoy a fishing expedition.
Lee, JA didn't kill the thread. It's just way to easy to become distracted by all the collected pretty on provocateuse.
This is a very good point.
I want to go home now.
For once, I'm running out of stamps at just the right time!
Which means I need to go get more stamps.
I want to go to a bar now, because BUFFALO TIED IT UP! WHOO!
Huh. Mr. Jane just called and fixed it.
Okay, I have to say yay, and boo, and happy birthday to Ailleann.
Cuddle care! Teeny babies being less teeny.
On a mixed pro/con tip I just spent the last hour jawing with a co-worker about nothing in particular. I've just outed myself as a nerd/geek in a short skirt with a crazy family.
I could have been working hard, or I could have been ditching off and leaving early. Thing is, I enjoyed the conversation, so it's really on the pro side.
But I didn't get to the bank in time to deposit. Yet I will still go hunt down a pair of ballet flats to replace the ones dying on my feet right now.