Happy Birthday Ailleann!
Lee, JA didn't kill the thread. It's just way to easy to become distracted by all the collected pretty on provocateuse.
Darnit, Looptopia is tomorrow (Friday) night-to-Saturday morning, and I wish I could go!! Oh, well, next year.
I was just gonna ask if anyone wants to do this. My out-of-town friends cancelled on me.
Cuddle care on the horizon, yay!
I was terribly industrious at work. Of course, it was tracking down stuff that I may have missed 7 years ago, but what the hell. I enjoy a fishing expedition.
Lee, JA didn't kill the thread. It's just way to easy to become distracted by all the collected pretty on provocateuse.
This is a very good point.
I want to go home now.
For once, I'm running out of stamps at just the right time!
Which means I need to go get more stamps.
I want to go to a bar now, because BUFFALO TIED IT UP! WHOO!
Huh. Mr. Jane just called and fixed it.
Okay, I have to say yay, and boo, and happy birthday to Ailleann.
Cuddle care! Teeny babies being less teeny.
On a mixed pro/con tip I just spent the last hour jawing with a co-worker about nothing in particular. I've just outed myself as a nerd/geek in a short skirt with a crazy family.
I could have been working hard, or I could have been ditching off and leaving early. Thing is, I enjoyed the conversation, so it's really on the pro side.
But I didn't get to the bank in time to deposit. Yet I will still go hunt down a pair of ballet flats to replace the ones dying on my feet right now.
Cuddle care! Teeny babies being less teeny.
I missed this earlier. YAY for cuddle care
What does cuddle care mean, exactly? And YAY For it!
Hippo Birdies, Allieann! (Did you get the email I sent you? I'm waiting on an answer...)