Ooh! I almost forgot. I got distracted because of the thinking about cookies, and then I wandered off into the kitchen to get another one, and then I didn't finish my Pros list, but also:
- We're short on cash this paycheck cycle, but today I got a check from the insurance company, paying back a $100 overpay! Whoo!
The SO had a glitch when he was setting up the automated billpay stuff, and double-paid. Then he thought he'd shorted instead of overpaid and paid them again! So we're glad to have the cash back. We almost never make errors in our favor like this. It's like we had a secret savings account. Without, you know, interest.
Happy Birthday, Ailleann!
Suffice it to say, Pro = I'm home from the dentist and my boss works from home tomorrow.
Okay, I just stopped in here and I have to post for shrift's tag's benefit.
Lee gives good presents. (For the record, I also would have accepted this.)
What are monkey lights?
String of decor lights with little monkey head covers. She also got me a monkey bank. (They sell them at Target, but I can't find a picture...)
Darnit, Looptopia is tomorrow (Friday) night-to-Saturday morning, and I wish I could go!! Oh, well, next year.
Nails a spectacular lime green
I just had a funny conversation with a coworker because we were bitching about out boss, and the fact that she came back in from a week out sick with a new haircut, and she was saying that when she's home sick, she's painted her nails for lack of anything better to do, but then taken the polish off, so she didn't seem well enough for a manicure!
PS: Sorry you're sick.