no rusty spork!
It's what gets me through the cramps and sinus pressure and whatnot. Visualizing defeating that which is tormenting me. Well, that and advil. Lots of advil.
She still can't work out where it all went.
Expands to fill a vacuum!!
WRT the zoo, I can't imagine a total evac would be easy. During Katrina, I was startled at how lucky they were (high ground and all, locking birds in the public restrooms) and how there was no alternative at the Aquarium and that went poorly. But then, a lot did. Anyway, part of my increduality is that I feel like if you take responsibility for something, you Take Full Responsibility. You chose to put them in this place, you need to honor that promise. It isn't nature purely. Nature exacting I can cry at, but accept. It's a human deliberation. I can't imagine any keeper wasn't losing their freaking minds today and yesterday. But. But.
I'm not sure what conclusion to come to, what judgement to pass.
I decidely would NOT want a pic of any surgery.
I would've loved a pic of my surgery. You could see my skull! And I'm still pissed off that no one took a picture of me afterwards. Apparently my lips swelled up past Eugene-from-the-Practice size. No one told me!
My brother offered to buy me John Woo's
But it's just not the same.
What should I do with an e-vite that was obviously sent to me by mistake? Answer no, I will not attend or just ignore? Or would one of you like to go to a hoity-toity sorority girl dinner party in Dorchester, MA?
Reply that you will be attending with your ten best friends, who happen to be members of the local Hells Angels.
OMG, funniest interview evah on Colbert tonight!!! So hilarious that I literally sprayed Diet Coke when I choked with laughter.
I was semi-awake during my last foot surgery, mocking the doctor for mistakenly thinking I hadn't really needed it. Perhaps mocking the man who has a drill to your metatarsal isn't the best idea, but I was kinda stoned at the time. That was pretty cool, but I wouldn't have wanted to watch.
"Hands-free expression halter" baffled me completely until I read the comments on it. Um, it keeps you from making gestures while you talk?
Donald Duck propaganda poster to encourage WWII Aussie soldiers to use condoms: [link]
This rare poster is the only one we know of and we believe of Australian issue. Text at top reads "And Me With Out A Pro[phylactic]! Be Sly VD Is High." Great art depicts Donald Duck in an Australian soldier's uniform while behind him is an attractive woman in a tight slinky dress lying in wait behind a large plant. Donald has an exasperated look on his face as he is without a prophylactic. At the lower right is insignia "4MCD," we believe to be for the Fourth Medical Corps Division. Art is signed "Cyril Jones."
ita, send my regards to your sister.
Will do, Vortex.
It's very weird. I went on a vintage slip shopping spree on eBay (I really should have my PayPal finger removed) and now I have slips I am never going to wear under dresses because I don't have applicable dresses. Which means...nighties.
Tonight is my first nightdress night. It's going to be weird.
FWIW, I mostly sleep in old t-shirts in the summer. They're worn nice and smooth, I can throw them in the hamper right away if they get sweaty (as they do on sultry nights) without worrying that too much washing will wear them out, since by definition they're on their last (nonexistent) legs.
Perhaps I'd be moved to get some better nightclothes if I had a nonexistent sex life. And if my grandmother had wheels, she'd be a bus.