The whole staff is grumpy because the U President often gives folks the afternoon off before a holiday break but it's now past noon and looks like we'll all just have to settle for our 5 day weekend.
Damn, and I thought my diamond shoes were pinchy today. I'm the one in our unit who has volunteered to _only_ take a four-day weekend. Yes, I know. Big damned hero. I'm guessing Tuesday will be a ghost town around here, so crazy like a coyote, really.
John, agreed. Especially if it means you get to take another day off later. I use the same logic for the Friday after Thanksgiving.
5 day weekend!!
In defense of Mom, her feelings are hurt and all of the stuff I'm dealing with (feeling like I can't do anything useful, there is no control etc) must be compounded by two for her. I'm not her little girl anymore and she can neither fix my stuff nor her grandchildren's.
the human brain is essentially a mouse brain with extra toppings.
Anybody else read that last part as "extra droppings"?
Just me then, huh.
2 day weekend. hatess it. ok, hatess everything.
My weekend is the same length it was last week. Alas.
Oh & the weather forecast has stupid whitestuff on it.
Ailleann needs this in a bad way.
Oh, word. I'd just randomly run up to her and accost her with it, and laugh and laugh. She would probably think even less of me than she does now.
I'm making a bracelet that says, "What Would shrift Do?"
Again, word.
I'm making a bracelet that says, "What Would shrift Do?"
I'm thinking "glower" or "slounge" would answer that question quite frequently. And really? Both extremely effective responses to the world.
Cool. That midbrain thing explains the whole blind martial arts master trope.
What is this weekend thing of which you speak?