I did that thing when I woke up where I incorporated my alarm clock into my dreams, and when I finally opened my eyes, I couldn't understand the numbers. Fifteen minutes later, I had to do the shit-shit-shit stumble out of bed, tripping and dropping things and trying to make sure I had matching socks and my keycard and my bus pass and did I remember to put makeup on both eyes and oh crap have to go back for the umbrella.
I do this all the time. I know that there is a 7 and a 3 and a 5, but I don't know what it means.
There used to be a ball mouse only policy here for replacement mice since the guy in charge of MIS purchases or whatever saw optical mice as a luxury item despite being able to get them for 10 bucks at CompUSA down the street.
Everything is a luxury at a non-profit. I would get one myself, but there's the pesky "nothing on the computer unless we say so." thing. Which, I understand, but when I'm the one everybody in the region calls with computer problems, I think I should be given a little leeway.
Happy birthday, Tom!!!
I'm so happy for you, Allyson! Getting a book on a table at such a huge national chain as B&N is bigbigbigbig, especially for a first-time author! I've been going back and forth on whether I should head into my local B&N and see if they're hiring (I can sure use the money, but am not so sure I have the time, especially this fall), but the wonderful idea of promoting your book is making me think I really should.
I just received Hitler porn spam! Ack!!! Some sort of "free thriller from author," and he included the first part of the chapter, and it's got Hitler--Ack! Brain bleach!
It's peppered throughout the book, yes.
Oh yes, I foresee a flood of Allyson-lovahs this summer.... It will be interesting to see how much of a spike we get in board hits.
Daisy, the rollers on the inside of your mouse have crud on them. Turn the mouse over, open it up, pop out the ball and scrape the crud off the two rollers inside.
Also, (I think) you can tab into your tickybox and hit your space bar to mark it.
Daisy, the rollers on the inside of your mouse have crud on them. Turn the mouse over, open it up, pop out the ball and scrape the crud off the two rollers inside.
Yeah. The clippy part of a pen cap works good for this.
Also, (I think) you can tab into your tickybox and hit your space bar to mark it.
In most I can. I don't know why not this one. I don't want to point and click! I want to tab and type!
so the pet food contamiation story is bigger
Ooh. The guy who did the Stanford prison experiment is on the radio right now.