A series of tubes - for people!
Imagine a city uncluttered with paved roads, where vegetation grows between the buildings, cooling and taming the urban environment. Parkways and parking lots become just parks. Imagine animals never having to risk their lives crossing a busy freeway or interstate, the sight of road kill as unexpected as the sight of horse manure is today. Imagine goods being delivered to businesses quickly and efficiently -- even automatically when needed. Imagine never having to deal with traffic, or getting lost, or refueling your vehicle, or wasting time driving when you could be putting the finishing touches on your report that is due. Imagine every home with a tube-port instead of a garage, every apartment building with a tube-shaft instead of an elevator, allowing people to get into a pod in their home and travel to anywhere that is hooked into the tube network. Imagine the entire world networked together with pneumatic tubing.
The world of tomorrow we are creating for ourselves and our children will be one of traffic congestion, pollution, and an ever-dimmishing natural world being covered in asphalt. We need to change our transportation policies -- we all know this -- but the question is: in what way? Pneumatic tubes transporting people via individual pods, operating on Internet based protocols is, as has been shown, the best solution. This will give people their freedom and space; reduce pollution, both chemical and noise; end costly, stressful, and unproductive traffic jams; increase safety; decrease dependence on foreign oil; and, most importantly, usher in the future that technology has been promising us.
My previous job I used to get up at 4 a.m to be at work at 5:30 a.m. every day.
I've always wondered: does Hell have good dental insurance?
My previous job I used to get up at 4 a.m to be at work at 5:30 a.m. every day.
I used to be on that schedule when I worked for Starbucks, but the fact that I could have 6 shots of espresso on ice as soon as I got there eased the pain a little.
All of the pending work I had to finish up this morning is already done, which is good, but now I have to find a way to fill up the next 7.5 hours, and I don't have nearly enough worksafe fic with me.
Pneumatic tubes transporting people via individual pods, operating on Internet based protocols is, as has been shown, the best solution. This will give people their freedom and space; reduce pollution, both chemical and noise; end costly, stressful, and unproductive traffic jams; increase safety; decrease dependence on foreign oil; and, most importantly, usher in the future that technology has been promising us.
It's a dystopia movie waiting to happen.
My previous job I used to get up at 4 a.m to be at work at 5:30 a.m. every day.
I spent a summer in college having to be at work by 5 a.m., but the reality was that I would tend to greet 5 from the back end. I was in Alaska, working two jobs (hostess at Princess Hotels Restaurant and stagecrew), and taking full advantage of the fact that bars closed at 5 a.m. (and reopened at 8).
I'm endlessly suprised that I survived that summer, but now I consider it training for living in my neighborhood.
All of the pending work I had to finish up this morning is already done, which is good, but now I have to find a way to fill up the next 7.5 hours
Make up a reason why you need to go to the Stanford library and go home instead!
I feel bad. I'm coughing and wheezing and sneezing and blowing my nose constantly, and it must be hell on my coworkers in the other cubicles.
I've always wondered: does Hell have good dental insurance?
No, but I bet you'd get hazard pay. I hear it's on everyone's hot list....
Lee, I hate when that happens. Can you take a long lunch and do some window shopping or the like?