Yep. I'm currently on leave, but my usual breaks are July-August and December-early March. K's breaks are May-June and November-December. So there are only 4 months a year when we are working at the same time. Which means I need to start thinking about childcare for Sept.-Oct. but we'll see. My mom said she'd come out then before she got all mad and stompy and left.
That's really good, plus you should be fully recovered by then, which will help you deal with an interrupted sleeping schedule (for yourself). I had relatively easy pregnancies and fast deliveries, but sucky sucky sucky recoveries with all three babies. It always seemed like a cruel joke that a newly post-partum mother has to wake every couple of hours.
I hope your mom is over it all (or at least can't resist grandchildren thrall) by the time they get home. It would be great to have a grandma-who's-a-nurse helping to care for Grace and Noah during that first cycle when both you and Katie are working.
OMG, could the Garner/Afflect family be anymore adorable?
And JG looks REALLY good.
I feel so much better when I walk to work in the morning. Why don't I do it more often?
Yay Allyson!
Despite having to get up 6ish every morning I will never be a morning person. Never gonna happen. I treasure late start days.
This weekend is a big fun thing in the Keys. Annually we celebrate the anniversary of the secession of the city of Key West from union in 1982. [link] I first moved to Florida in the middle of the Mariel boatlift [link] and my first impression of the state was flavored with the impact of that event. The original secession was great fun and like all Key West events, the annual event is fun too. The Keys are becoming crazy overdeveloped, but the fun still happens.
It always seemed like a cruel joke that a newly post-partum mother has to wake every couple of hours.
I totally can see this. There are so many cruel jokes like this one (for example, the awkwardness and clumsiness of pregnancy) that it is a marvel that humans survived at all.
Why don't I do it more often?
Snow and/or rain. Perhaps the ever popular wintery mix.
I should walk to work more often too. Or at least ride my bike. It is less than 2 miles to the office.
Laura, are you going then to the celebration? We stayed at a cute place in Key West a few years ago. I liked it, but it definitely had a hard drinking, party town vibe that I have somewhat outgrown.
Tom, because when you're gronky, you forget that the walk is good. At least, that's it for me.
I think I speak for all non-morning people when I say "There's a 5 *AM*???"
Sure! It's that time on a really late night when you realize you really need to go to bed, remember?
I'm not a morning person.
And yet, I'm up around 7 every day. The earlier the stupid sun comes out, the earlier I'm up. This started happening pre-baby. Sadly, it did not lead to me having any urge to go to bed earlier.
If the sun wasn't the only thing forcing me to get out of bed and out of the house on time, I'd totally get some light blocking curtains.
We might head to the Keys on Sunday. Tomorrow they have a race that closes the 7 mile bridge until 9 or so in the morning, but traffic will be a mess all day. I want to try dropping the boat in at the upper keys and heading down via ocean. We've never done that and it may be faster than the highway will be this weekend.
I love it in the keys, but I don't drink heavily enough to actually live there.
There should be a movie where Arnold Schwarzenegger breaks into a police station armed with machine guns and forces all the cops to put on velour jumpsuits....
Couldn't he just make a new policy for the California State Troopers to change uniforms.