Tom, because when you're gronky, you forget that the walk is good. At least, that's it for me.
I think I speak for all non-morning people when I say "There's a 5 *AM*???"
Sure! It's that time on a really late night when you realize you really need to go to bed, remember?
I'm not a morning person.
And yet, I'm up around 7 every day. The earlier the stupid sun comes out, the earlier I'm up. This started happening pre-baby. Sadly, it did not lead to me having any urge to go to bed earlier.
If the sun wasn't the only thing forcing me to get out of bed and out of the house on time, I'd totally get some light blocking curtains.
We might head to the Keys on Sunday. Tomorrow they have a race that closes the 7 mile bridge until 9 or so in the morning, but traffic will be a mess all day. I want to try dropping the boat in at the upper keys and heading down via ocean. We've never done that and it may be faster than the highway will be this weekend.
I love it in the keys, but I don't drink heavily enough to actually live there.
There should be a movie where Arnold Schwarzenegger breaks into a police station armed with machine guns and forces all the cops to put on velour jumpsuits....
Couldn't he just make a new policy for the California State Troopers to change uniforms.
Yay for Done, Allyson!
I was awake at 5:00 this morning, and at 7:00, but I got over it both times, and now I am probably going to be late for work, since I still haven't had coffee, and that needs to be fixed.
My mom said she'd come out then before she got all mad and stompy and left.
far be it for me to get in your business, but you might want to have some backup. You don't want to be in the position where you have to capitulate to her craziness because you're in a jam.
I think I speak for all non-morning people when I say "There's a 5 *AM*???"
Y'know when the sky starts getting lighter after you've ended up at the waffle house for cheese grits and bacon after an all-night party? That's 5 AM.
Y'know when the sky starts getting lighter after you've ended up at the waffle house for cheese grits and bacon after an all-night party? That's 5 AM.
ooooooohhhhhh! that's 5AM? people get
5AM is a bit rough for me, but I get up at 6-6:30AM on a regular basis.
Look it's entering the human food chain now.
Did you guys catch the piece in the Washington Post:
The FDA believes that the pet food product contamination might have been intentional. Melamine can make it appear that the protein content of the wheat gluten or rice protein concentrate is higher than it actually is.
"We are aware that melamine can increase protein content," Sundlof said. "It's still a theory, but it seems to be a plausible one. The motivation would be economic in that you can take a product that is low in protein and would not qualify for the designation as protein supplement and make it appear that it has a high protein content so it can be sold at a higher price."
He noted that in the shipment of rice protein concentrate to Wilbur-Ellis, one bag was pink and was stenciled with the word "melamine."
Totally not a morning person. Even from little personhood. There is a really funny photo of me at about 6 with a friend who had spent the night in which we are sitting up in bed and she is all bright-eyed and smiley while I am droopy-eyed and slack-jawed. That pretty much sums it up.
That blood thing is great news. GF’s dad is constantly getting blood transfusions (leukemia), so the need for donors has become crystal clear for me. Being able to make all blood a universal type would be the awesome.
The Keys are the best! I’ve been a few times (my family used to live in Ft. Lauderdale), and GF and I went once together. She is always saying, “We’ve got to get back to the Keys!” I can see the hard partying aspect, but we loved the laid back atmosphere and gorgeous surroundings. Also, in Key West there is the Hemingway House, the Ghost Tour, My Blue Heaven (yum), that cool museum that houses Robert the doll, the cemetery, and so on. Now I want to go like NOW!