Am I alone in saying WTF? I mean this seems mean, rude, and prejudiced. Also doesn't that count as shaming someone?
No, you are not alone. She should quit. If he recruited her, he needs her, so he shouldn’t be a jerk to her or single her out.
Me, I'd be inclined to put my (empty) purse inside my carryon suitcase and claim that the computer bag is my handbag. (I actually have a backpack for the iBook.) And was totally prepared if the airline decided to check the suitcase -- it helps to arrive early because they've not yet "filled up" the airplane.
My laptop fits inside my carryon bag, so I usually put an empty purse into the suitcase for use at the destination, and put all of the stuff I need from my purse into the carryon bag.
I'm paranoid about my luggage getting lost, which is why I'm anti-checking.
Me too. I was traveling with a colleague once, who said “you’re going to have to wait for me at baggage claim, why don’t you just check?” I explained to him that it wasn’t about the time.
It used to be that you had to be all hardcore about getting on the plane to make sure that there was overhead space. Now, with the new liquid restrictions, more people are checking, so it’s easier now.
Yeah, I have my quart-sized ziploc down to a science.
Me too. All of that hoarding of hotel shampoo came in handy when I could empty the bottles out and fill them with my own stuff.
Since we're talking about planes.... would a messenger bag (8 1/2" by 11" or so size) qualify as a handbag? Or will they get snippy with me if I try to carry it on the plane?
It’s a “personal item” as long as it’s slightly smaller than a suitcase, you’re fine.