Does it hold up? I mean, more than 1984?
Hm. It's been a while for both for me. My vague recollection s that
Brave New World
is actually more interesting to read even when you know how it ends. But that could just be that I've read it less often, so.
And now I'm off to take a quiz, yay.
Yay for mac photo! He's so adorable.
Aw, mac's so cute! Such pretty eyes. And his haircut looks good. And I like the tile on the wall behind him.
I may be a trufle overwhelmed by the cutieheadness.
I always wonder which Buffistas knew each other before
I knew NoiseDesign and ChiKat (separately) before I ever even watched Buffy.
Mac is such a cutie! I loved the curls in the before photo, but the haircut really does suit him.
Well, I recruited Nutty to the board, so you could say I knew her first. And of course Nutty and Flea knew each other before. *grin*
happy birthday Sheryl
and somewhere there is a glitch in the calander- because my birthday is the 18th. but thatnks for the wishes!
Mac smile. It has got to make up for a lot of things.
x-posted with bitches, pictures from my york trip this weekend:
Cool, SA!
I think I've read my quota of Virginia Tech stories this morning, and may have to make a personal moratorium on them for the rest of the day. I do find it bitterly ironic that the gunman targeted several foreign language classes, which are after all, about learning to communicate and understand, when he had such problems with that sort of thing himself.
it was lovely, theo.
My policy on the VA story, like most major disasters, is just to read the headline and skip the story itself.
I read my fill last night. I think my fill was a grand total of three. Someone on my flist linked to a report by an AOL blogger who'd been in a writing class with him. He linked to two of the shooter's very disturbing plays. I wish I hadn't read them, and had stuck to the Globe's coverage.
Yesterday, someone mentioned being naturally concerned that the shooter's resident status was mentioned. In the article I read in
The Boston Globe,
it was mentioned to note that he was legally entitled to buy guns.