Tommy - google tells me Safe House.
Cool. That place has a bunch of other funky stuff, right? I think I've heard of it before?
And I just wanna say how cool it is that so many people share my appreciation of pneumatic tubes. I thought I was alone in the world....
msbelle, he has the bestest smile. It really is Scola-quality.
And his new haircut suits him. It brings out those big, beautiful eyes.
Oh, the instant I read I thought "Just what kind of pneumatic tubes are we talking?" so I hope there's room for two in the gutter.
Yay! I’ll just clean the leaves out of the way. And take comfort that all of the resulting conversation about the appeal of pneumatic tubes has been as amusing to me as it has to you.
We're all clean-minded, here in the gutter. It's the rest of you that are Wrong.
It's just been too long since I've read
Brave New World.
Does it hold up? I mean, more than
You know what's really tasty?
Stephen Colbert's AmeriCone Dream.
t burps genteelly
I wish I had more time for reading.
Well, for reading things not online, because I just remember I got sidetracked from researching terms on the Fetish Map. I think I was researching Dark Side (smoking) when the Deviant Quiz (so very NSFW, unless you work at the centre).
We (the evil twin and I) show it around the centre every now and again. Reactions this time ranged from "People do that?" and "Why can't people just have regular sex??" to "Why do you know all the terms?" and my favourite "Well, I'm okay with
but I'd never do
Let's just say that his
was more than most people are going to admit to, even at their second job.
Right. One more glass of OJ (makes four), a toddy, and then bed. I hope the elephant will have finished sitting on my chest by then.
msbelle--that boy's smile is going to crack his head clean in two. It's large and lovely.
Heh. The "I've done
guy just emailed me for a link to the fetish map. He's reasonably like to tattoo it on himself, colouring in each bit as he checks it off his list.
Does it hold up? I mean, more than 1984?
Hm. It's been a while for both for me. My vague recollection s that
Brave New World
is actually more interesting to read even when you know how it ends. But that could just be that I've read it less often, so.
And now I'm off to take a quiz, yay.
Yay for mac photo! He's so adorable.
Aw, mac's so cute! Such pretty eyes. And his haircut looks good. And I like the tile on the wall behind him.
I may be a trufle overwhelmed by the cutieheadness.