Talk in Utah has already turned to "If those students had been carrying guns, they could have saved themselves! A professor could have shot the guy!" I try not to let my neighbors nauseate me.
If it weren't Utah, I'd be guessing you lived next to my family. Feh. I hate it when they try to turn this into "well, iffin they had guns..." arguments. Because it always turns that way with (some, not all of) my family.
Mandalit del Barco, Lakshmi Singh, Ofeibea Quist-Arcton, Snigdha Prakash. I love how they say their names, but seeing them written out is weird.
I have insane love for these names.
(Today, it was some sort of support thing that goes around your waist to relieve some of the strain of holding the baby? )
Bella bands come in all sorts of pretty colors, as well as black. I've found black stuff for Liv in the strangest places (black tanks at Old Navy, for instance).