Of course, it didn't help that I've had a hair trigger gag reflex as long as I can remember, but I could usually avoid the puking.
Unsurprisingly I've trained myself out of a lot of my gag reflex, but 90 minutes of extra-frequent coughing is hard to fight. Ah well, at least it's a kind of upchucking that doesn't involve much residual nausea or appetite loss.
I'd been feeling more human and gotten rid of just about everything but the cough and sore throat, but the latter is resolving into a swollen and tender feeling rather than just irritation from coughing. And it's on day 11, which is long for the flu for me, nevermind a cold. I think strep is the most likely explanation.
What were they protesting?
They were "reminding" the grieving family that God had intentionally allowed their child to get killed because of our country's failure to be as rabidly homophobic as this "church" is. Improvised Explosive Devices are apparently holy instruments of God's displeasure.
There seems to be a bunch of evil stuff out there - Let me just say , if it has been more than a week - and you are not DRAMATICLY improving - go to a doctor. I've seen a number of people I know that have ended up with low grade secondary infecions - that need antibiotics. Other that ended up on inhalers, for maybe a month - because there lungs needed help for a bit to heal after an evil virus.
Yeah, I definitely have similar symptoms, Matt. But I've had strep before, and this doesn't seem like it at all, to me.
The head-scratcher for me was that during the peak ickiness I was congested, but very little moisture was involved in the process despite me drinking constantly for the sore throat. Can part of your body get dehydrated while you're drinking more than 2 gallons of fluid a day and not losing it by unusual means?
sounds more like asthma to me--unproductive coughs that don't stop -- and it will cause some throat problems as well , due to strain. but I am not a doctor
They were "reminding" the grieving family that God had intentionally allowed their child to get killed because of our country's failure to be as rabidly homophobic as this "church" is. Improvised Explosive Devices are apparently holy instruments of God's displeasure.
Huh. That's remarkably stupid, even for them. I can see why the family might be a bit miffed at a bunch of button-down hairstyles sidling up to them over the casket and casually mentioning that God, like, totally killed their son.
I thought a federal law had been passed, because of the Phelps clan, that prohibits protesting at military funerals. I know that years ago Kansas City made it illegal to protest at any funeral because of him. It's great that his church has to pay for that funeral, but those protesters should also be finding out how popular they are in jail.
billytea, Phelps is depicted in The Laramie Project (along with the amazing response to him) if you ever get a chance to see it.
Matt, get it checked out soon if you can. I had a student who came down with some doozy of a sore throat, not strep, but it was bad enough to land her in the hospital. And it was viral, so no antibiotics either. I hope that you don't have it, but you should get your throat cultured to make sure.
Five W-2s, Five 1099s. That's fewer than the last couple of years.