It's only lunchtime and I'm already tired of errands, yet I still have plenty. Plus laundry and de-dust bunnying.
But I did manage to score a salon appt for next saturday (virtually unheard of to have less than a 2 week wait with my stylist these days.) So that was good, considering I think I'm about to hit my can't-stand-it switch. But not there yet! Still like my hair.
Lunch had, even though I had to fend off a cat very interested in palaak paneer, for some reason. Probably the same reason I am having to type around him right now. He's being Mister Needy.
OK, back out to the mines stores.
Yech. I didn't want to leave the house even before I noticed it was rainy and gross out. I have to, so I will, but still.
My friend Jim at Making Light is inspiring more interesting talk about seatbelts:
How are you feeling, Kat?
Laura, i'm feeling okay. I fear I overdo things. Because stillness is not a natural trait for me.
I went to UCLA for work stuff. I left at 11:00. My writing folks gave me my favorite gift ever: a travelling breast pump. SO EXPENSIVE but so good. And so necessary. Not glam or cute, but totally practical for what I'm going through.
Also, My up every 4 or so hours is getting to me.
And I love Macy Gray's new song Glad You're Here, which came out on the day the twins were born.
well errands were interesting.
First PO where we got a box with a new to us used camera for mac. Same model as my old camera and the one we gave him in Ethiopia (it broke about 2 months ago). Expecting a happy mac from this, I got a sulky pouty mcpouterson. He quickly moved on to obstinate disobeier and slapper of me.
Then he got dragged home and sent to his room. I decided to start in on a DVD since I was neither talking or looking at him until he apologized and decided he could act right. 40 minutes later he had apologized and we wer back out to finish the errands.
3 drug stores and a grocery store later and we finally had all we needed. We stopped for soda and ended up getting lunch.
Now home and a video on. Later we will cut his hair with the new clippers we just bought. I am not sure I need to, but I am gonna watch the how to cut hair DVD they provided.
ooooooooh! haircut! yoiks! good luck, msbelle.
I have errands. But I also have napping to catch up on. What to do?
I did errands, and I should be doing laundry, but I think a nap is going to come first.
And I love Macy Gray's new song Glad You're Here, which came out on the day the twins were born.
They have their own herald (I have no idea if that's the right word. The announcement fanfare thing) song!
Word of advice, msbelle, from my mom's own misadventures: don't start giggling and do not nick his ear. My dad never let her cut his hair again.
I'm glad the tantrum passed and the day has resumed.
Errands done. I think I'm just going to have to admit I need to use the internet for finding a lampshade. I realize most people would go there first, but I am strangely reticent about shopping online, partly because delivery is so difficult.
Next up is cleaning. I've picked up, but I want to hear a piece on the radio first, and the vacuum will drown that out. Oh, I can file paid bills! (I really need to do something about entertaining me.)